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CMS Bureaus

The Illinois Department of Central Management Services (CMS) consists of the following bureaus/programs:

Administrative Hearings​​
The Bureau of Administrative Hearings provides centralized coordination and support for administrative hearings functions across the State through best practices, judicial education services, and oversight of administrative hearing processes. The Bureau conducts high quality, independent administrative hearings for agencies that do not employ their own administrative law judges, providing an impartial forum where Illinoisans receive fair and prompt resolution of disputes. The Bureau also facilitates professional development, coordinates IT solutions, promotes uniform hearings rules, and seeks to improve administrative justice in our State.

Fleet Operations 
The Bureau of Fleet Operations oversees and coordinates the acquisition, repair, maintenance, and fueling of State vehicles for agencies under the jurisdiction of the Governor. These vehicles provide critical services such as snow removal, law enforcement, and emergency management services. Additionally, the Bureau provides mail and messenger service.

The Bureau of Benefits administers employee and retiree benefit programs, including comprehensive health, dental, vision, and life insurance coverage for State employees and retirees, as well as similar programs for community college retirees, school district retirees, and local government employees and retirees. The Bureau works with labor representatives, health care providers, and insurance carriers to provide benefits to more than 440,000 members and their dependents, while working to keep plans affordable for participants and controlling costs for the State. The Bureau manages the administration of numerous benefits for members, including: Flexible Spending Accounts, Commuter Savings programs, Deferred Compensation program. The Risk Management Division administers workers’ compensation claims and administers auto liability and insurance procurements for all property, casualty and liability expenses, as well as the State’s Representation and Indemnification Program.

Communication and Information  
The Office of Communication and Information (IOCI) provides a wide range of media services for State agencies in order to promote State programs, services, and opportunities. IOCI provides on-location and studio video production, satellite broadcasting, radio services, photography, graphic design and press summaries and press release distribution. The bureau also maintains a Directory of State Communications Officials for State government entities. 

Diversity and Inclusion
The mission of the Diversity and Inclusion (D&I) is to develop equity-based inclusion strategies that enrich the diversity of the State’s workforce and open access to State employment. D&I works to ensure that State government is fully representative of, and accessible to, its culturally diverse populations. Serving within the Director's Office, D&I works closely with State agencies, boards and commissions, advisory councils, legislators, advocacy organizations, and the general public to identify opportunities for diverse workforce and coordinate procedures among State agencies to achieve an inclusive workplace.

Emergency Management  
CMS Emergency Management works with IEMA and other State Agencies to improve the State’s capability to mitigate against, prepare for, and respond to natural disasters, health pandemics, and other emergency situations. Our success is reflected in the ability to provide support and other resources to ensure the State’s continuity of operations. In addition, Emergency Management is responsible for the preparedness, training, and coordination efforts to effectively respond to an emergency at CMS facilities including the safe evacuation of its occupants.

Internal Audit 
The Bureau of Internal Audit (BIA) is responsible for conducting a broad, comprehensive program of internal auditing. All audits are conducted in accordance with the Global Internal Audit Standards, promulgated by the Institute of Internal Auditors. BIA also plays a major role in coordinating the annual internal control self evaluation process mandated by the Fiscal Control and Internal Auditing Act (30 ILCS 10/).

Labor Relations 
The Office of Labor Relations negotiates more than 30 collective bargaining agreements with labor organizations representing the majority of State employees and home healthcare workers. The Office administers these agreements, ensuring consistent application of contract language across the State as well as maintaining oversight and coordination of grievances and arbitrations. The Office is also responsible for the processing of any grievances claiming a violation of the Personnel Code. 

Legal Services  
CMS Legal Services provides proactive, timely, practical and innovative legal solutions and legal counsel that will meet or exceed the expectations of CMS and other state agencies who are our clients. By providing such legal counsel, Legal Services will continuously maximize the total value and efficiency of the services CMS provides to other agencies and the People of Illinois. CMS Legal Services operates like a mid-sized law firm with a managing partner (General Counsel) and several attorneys, each specializing in their own area of the law. Areas of specialty include: Personnel, Benefits, Labor Relations, Property Management and Commercial Real Estate, Strategic Sourcing and Financial and Administrative Services.

Operational Excellence
The Office of Operational Excellence (OOE) seeks to create a customer-focused culture in Illinois State Government that embraces a lasting commitment to continuous improvement, continuous learning, and respect for people. OOE oversees the Rapid Results InitiativeLearning & Professional Development (LPD), and the Governor's Office Academy of Leadership (GOAL).

The Bureau of Personnel is responsible for the development and administration of the State’s merit employment system in accordance with the Personnel Code, Personnel Rules, Pay Plan, Position Classification Plan, current collective bargaining agreements, and other applicable laws for the over 47,000 employees under the jurisdiction of the Governor. In addition, the Bureau of Personnel is responsible for the recruitment and career counseling of potential state employees as well as the administration of classification and compensation standards for State positions.

Property Management
The Bureau of Property Management oversees State-owned and leased facilities for agencies, boards, and commissions under the jurisdiction of the Governor, including services such as janitorial maintenance, security measures, and building engineering. The Bureau works to limit costs and environmental impact by optimizing use of State-owned and leased facilities, reducing the number of overall leases, implementing newer space, and adhering to utilization standards. The Bureau is also responsible for oversight and disposition of State surplus real estate. 

Strategic Sourcing
To maximize the value of taxpayer dollars spent by State agencies, the Bureau of Strategic Sourcing provides a centralized, strategic sourcing framework that adds improved transparency, accountability, and cost savings to the sourcing process.  

Surplus Property Control 
The Surplus Property Control Division redistributes and disposes of surplus State property and administers the distribution of Federal surplus property through the Law Enforcement Support Office (LESO) and Government Services Administration (GSA) programs. The Bureau conducts online public auctions of surplus items and provides recycling services for electronic equipment such as computers, monitors, and printers.