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Diversity & Inclusion

The core function of the Diversity & Inclusion team is to support the equitable pipeline, representation and success of a State workforce as noted by statutes for four communities.  These communities in order of arrived legislation are: Latinx, African American, Asian American, and Native American. State statute requires us to: 

  • Facilite the quarterly meetings and functions of four Employment Plan Advisory Councils
  • Author and lead an annual survey for all agencies that follow the CMS personnel code 
  • Produce and file four Annual Employment Plan Reports with the General Assembly
  • Produce and file the Bilingual Needs & Bilingual Pay Annual Report with the General Assembly
  • Lead enterprise-wide initiatives to support all agency successful completion of annual goals towards representation and inclusion. 

Employment Plan Advisory Councils

The D&I team facilitates the quarterly meeting and functions of each of the four advisory councils. This includes an enterprise-wide collaboration with sister agencies and following Open Meetings Act protocols.

Annual All-Agency Reporting and Goals

  • Development and distribution of all-agency surveys for each annual report (5 total)
  • Partner with CMS Data team for survey result analysis and reporting 
  • Annual goal authorship, management, tracking and support the all-agency completion 
  • Poduction and filing the four Annual Employment Plan Reports and the Bilingual needs Bilingual Pay Reports to the General Assembly

Bilingual Needs Bilingual Pay Annual Report

Relevant Statutes:  20 ILCS 415/9(6)

Report Documentation

Bilingual Needs & Bilingual Pay Annual Report Due Jan. 1st to GA  
Current and Historical Annual Reports

Outreach, Recruitment, and Career Counseling

  • Identify key cultural spaces to attend and liaise for the purpose of partnership development and recruitment for all agency 
  • Coordinate Identity-Specific Statewide Career Fairs during heritage and history months
  • Provide Career Counseling for prospective applicants and from position identification through application submissions