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Surplus Property

CMS Property Control is charged with the administration and disposal of all surplus personal property generated by state agencies, boards, commissions, universities, and constitutional officeholders, as well as excess property no longer needed by the Federal Government.  Surplus Property Control is comprised of three program sections

STATE SURPLUS property is made available by priority to State government entities on a “first come, first serve” basis. When property is no longer needed by State government, property is made available next to priority agencies which consists oflocal units of government (cities, towns, counties, etc.), non-profit organizations (501c, organizations providing assistance to homeless, food banks, etc., and veteran/minority owned small businesses. State Surplus also administers the State electronic recycling program. Our recycling services help State agencies to properly dispose of or recycle unusable electronic items if they cannot be re-distributed by Surplus Property to other state entities.

State entities and priority agencies may make an appointment (217-785-6903) to view the available State surplus equipment at the central warehouse in Springfield Mondays thru Friday (except holidays) from 12:30 p.m. until 3:30 p.m. For State entities, available property can be tagged by their property control officers to hold for pickup.. Once tagged, the agency will have 10 days to pick up tagged item Monday through Friday, 12:30 p.m. - 3:30 p.m. If a tagged asset has not been picked up after 10 days, the tag will be removed, and the surplus item will become available to other agencies or sold.

Often called "the eBay® of Illinois," iBid is the State's online auction website. The iBid web site allows users to browse and bid for items currently available for sale at public auction. Auctions are held weekly at and interested bidders can find vehicles, office furniture, electronics, machine shop equipment...and much more each week!

In addition to State of Illinois surplus property, municipalities and other local governmental entities in Illinois use the State's iBid auction website to dispose of their unneeded equipment. If you are a local governmental entity and would like to learn how to sell surplus property on iBid with your own storefront, contact Thomas Whitehead ( for more information.

The GSA Federal Surplus Property Program is administered by the Illinois State Agency for Surplus Property, a division of the Illinois Department of Central Management Services (CMS), and governed by regulations of the U.S. General Services Administration (GSA). If you have questions regarding the GSA Federal Surplus Property Program, need interpretation and translation services, or require assistance for people with disabilities, please call 217-785-6903.

Illinois law enforcement agencies are eligible for enrollment in a special equipment program administered by the Illinois Department of Central Management Services, Law Enforcement Support Office Program. The Secretary of Defense is authorized by Title 10 USC § 2576a, 1033 LESO Program, to transfer to Federal and State Agencies, personal property that is excess to the needs of the DOD and that the Secretary determines is suitable to be used by such agencies in law enforcement activities, with emphasis on counter-drug/counter-terrorism activities, under such terms prescribed by the Secretary. The Defense Logistics Agency (DLA) defines law enforcement activities as activities performed by government agencies whose primary function is the enforcement of applicable Federal, State, and local laws and whose compensated law enforcement officers have powers of arrest and apprehension.

For more information about CMS Property Control, please contact:

CMS Federal & State Surplus Property Division
1924 S. 10 1/2 St.
Springfield, IL 62703
voice (State): 217-785-6903
voice (Federal): 217-785-6903
voice (LESO): 217-524-1959