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Personnel Rules
The Director of Central Management Services is responsible for setting forth a uniform set of rules that guide the process of personnel administration. The Personnel Rules, together with the Classification Plan, Pay Plan and body of Classification Standards, make up the administrative rules and these have the force and effect of law, subject to the interpretation of the Director and review by the Civil Service Commission.
Personnel Rules consists of classification and pay, merit and fitness, conditions of employment, general provisions, and extensions of jurisdiction.
Instructions for searching and printing the Personnel Rules document
The Personnel Rules are available in PDF format (Adobe Reader). They can be viewed, printed and searched upon for desired text or topics.
To search for any word or phrase within the Personnel Rules, use the "Find" or "Search" feature of Adobe Acrobat. This icon is located on the Adobe Acrobat menu bar usually located immediately beneath your Internet browser's menu bar. The icon generally looks like a set of binoculars...
For example, entering "301.180" or "pay plan" will move the text pointer to the first occurrence of that text. Clicking the "Find" icon a second time will give the option of finding the next occurrence of the text or locating different text. This is a quick way to navigate through the document locating only the desired text.
To quickly move from one occurrence of a word or phrase to the next within the Personnel Rules, use the "Find Next" or "Search Next" feature of Adobe Acrobat. The icon generally looks like a set of binoculars with an arrow on it...
To print the entire document, select File, Print and select All under Print Range.
To print a specific range of pages, select File, Print and enter the desired page numbers under Print Range.
Your version of Adobe Acrobat may operate slightly differently than described above, but all versions have the ability to search and print.
For reduced paper use, the document is set up for duplexed printing. As a result, an occasional blank page has been inserted to accommodate duplexing.