Possible online services disruption due to Internet related outage
Bureau of Internal Audit (BIA)
About the Bureau of Internal Audit
The Bureau of Internal Audit (BIA) is responsible for conducting a broad, comprehensive program of internal auditing within the Department of Central Management Services (CMS) and other agencies that we support. The primary functions of BIA include, but are not limited to, the following:
- Conduct operational, financial, compliance, information technology, and special audits to determine the adequacy of the Agency's systems of internal control, to ensure compliance with Agency and State requirements and to make recommendations leading to compliance, reduced operating costs, improved services, and greater general efficiency and effectiveness in existing Agency operations.
- Conduct reviews of the design of major new information technology systems and major modifications to those systems prior to their installation, to ensure that these systems provide for adequate internal controls and meet user needs.
- Prepare and present reports of audit findings and recommendations to Department management.
- Formulate and implement internal audit policies and procedures.
- Follow-up on findings in internal and external audit reports to determine if appropriate action has been taken.
- Coordinate the internal control self evaluation process completed by program management as mandated by FCIAA. The certification is to be received by the Auditor General prior to May 1 of each year.
- Coordinate external audit requests and report responses to be completed by program management.
Fiscal Control and Internal Auditing Act (FCIAA) Checklist
Continuing Professional Education
We also conduct Continuing Professional Education for the State of Illinois internal auditors. We distribute a training schedule based on the State of Illinois fiscal calendar. From this schedule you can determine trainings that may be relevant to your work.
Registering for Trainings
For online trainings we will send out an email to our distribution list a week in advance which allows you to register on WebEx Events and access event documents. Registration requires a valid address that will be utilized for CPE certificates.
Join our distribution list by emailing us at CMS.BIATraining@Illinois.gov. Please let us know your name, contact information, job title, and work affiliation.
Attendance Guidelines
Online trainings require us to track attendee participation and requires you to answer a minimum of 3 out of 4 poll questions per hour to receive credit for that hour. If a training is in person, we give advanced notice and you will need to arrange transportation to the designated location for that training. Usually in-person trainings occur at the John R. Block Building in Springfield. In-person trainings do not require registration and attendance is tracked through the sign-in sheet.