Possible online services disruption due to Internet related outage
To help maximize the value of taxpayer dollars that state agencies spend on goods and services, the Bureau of Strategic Sourcing (BOSS) works closely with the State's Independent Chief Procurement Office (CPO) to provide improved transparency, accountability and cost savings in the procurement process.
While most procurement oversight is performed by the CPO’s Office, procurement functions such as determining what needs to be purchased and what quantity, and drafting solicitation documents (i.e. Requests for Proposals, Requests for Information, Invitations for Bids, and the like) are performed by State Agency personnel.
Please use the underlined links provided to review specific procurement areas or read more about them below.
BidBuy – Illinois eProcurement
State Agencies and the Chief Procurement Office for General Services (CPO-GS) use BidBuy to advertise solicitation opportunities, evaluate bids and publish contract awards. It is the State’s primary solution for sourcing and placing orders from vendors in a number of areas — including Equipment / Commodities, IT / Telecom, Facilities and General Services.
Vendors can register on BidBuy to review requests for information or proposals and receive updates on procurement rules and requirements.
Sell 2 Illinois
We also encourage small, diverse and veteran enterprises to do business with the State.
The Commission on Equity and Inclusion (CEI) oversees and maintains the certification of diverse and veteran vendors. Sell 2 Illinois has certification process information and forms for businesses owned by:
- Minorities, Women, and Persons with Disabilities (Business Enterprise Program)
The Illinois Business Enterprise Program (BEP) promotes the economic development of businesses owned by minorities, females and persons with disabilities. State Agencies and Universities are encouraged to spend at least 30% of their procurement budgets with certified BEP companies, and many state solicitations require participation of certified BEP firms.
- Veterans (Veterans' Small Business Program)
Through the Veterans' Small Business Program, State Agencies and Universities are encouraged to spend at least 3% of their procurement budgets with certified veteran-owned businesses.
- Small Businesses (SBSP) Sell 2 Illinois
By registering as a SBSP, business opportunities arise when State Agencies and Universities are making small purchases or soliciting under one of the many selective product and service categories. At least 10% of procurement budgets are encouraged to be awarded to SBSP participants.