Enroll after Opting Out or Waiving Coverage
Full-time Employees, Retirees and Survivors
Full-time employees, retirees and survivors may enroll in health, prescription, dental and vision coverage during the annual Benefit Choice Period or upon experiencing a qualifying change in status (for a list of qualifying events, see the Member Qualifying Changes in Status chart on page 11 of the Benefits Handbook). Members opting in during the Benefit Choice Period or due to the loss of other coverage may elect the health coverage (includes behavioral health, prescription and vision coverage) and waive the dental coverage.
If electing coverage, members must complete the Benefit Choice form during the Benefit Choice Period or the Group Insurance Enrollment/Change form if they are opting in outside the Benefit Choice Period. Members must also provide a Certificate of Creditable Coverage from their previous health plan or other document in order to prove the loss of other coverage, if enrolling for that reason.
Annuitants and survivors wishing to enroll must contact their retirement system to obtain the appropriate enrollment form.
Part-time Employees, Annuitants and Survivors
Eligible Part-time Employees (i.e., working 50% or greater), annuitants and survivors may enroll in health, prescription, dental and vision coverage during the annual Benefit Choice Period or upon experiencing a qualifying change in status (for a list of qualifying events, see the Member Qualifying Changes in Status chart on page 11 of the Benefits Handbook). Members electing to re-enter the program during the Benefit Choice Period or due to the loss of other coverage may elect the health coverage (includes behavioral health, prescription and vision coverage) and waive the dental coverage.
If electing coverage, in addition to completing the Part-time Election/Waiver of Group Insurance Participation form, members must also complete the Benefit Choice form during the Benefit Choice Period or the Group Insurance Enrollment/Change form if they are opting in outside the Benefit Choice Period. Members must also provide a Certificate of Creditable Coverage from their previous health plan or other document in order to prove the loss of other coverage, if enrolling for that reason.
Annuitants and survivors wishing to enroll must contact their retirement system to obtain the appropriate enrollment form.