FY 2013 State Health Plans
In an effort to ensure that health carriers are in place for the start of the next fiscal year (July 1, 2012), a decision has been made to enter into emergency contracts with Health Alliance HMO, Health Alliance Illinois and Coventry Health Care HMO. These contracts will be for 90 days with an option to extend for an additional period as needed. Members may view the Illinois county map which lists health plans by county to determine which health plans are available in their area. The following list includes all of the health plans that will be available for FY2013:
- Quality Care Health Plan (administered by Cigna) (D3)
- BlueAdvantage HMO (CI)
- Coventry HMO (AS)
- Coventry OAP (CH)
- Health Alliance HMO (AH)
- Health Alliance Illinois (BS)
- HealthLink OAP (CF)
- HMO Illinois (BY)
Members will receive a letter indicating listing the available health plans and the deadline by which they must submit a Benefit Choice Election Form if they wish to make a change. Forms must be submitted to the agency, university or retirement system group insurance representative by June 15, 2012.