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Be Well Illinois is dedicated to helping you get more active and learn more about the impact of physical fitness on your overall health. Find new ways to get motivated and fit exercise into your daily life or learn how to exercise properly and change your workouts up a bit. Fitness helps to subdue stress, reduce the risk of illness, and supports positive interactions.

Most recent article

Exercise and Colorectal Health

When cancer or treatments are leaving you fatigued or feeling down, it can be difficult to motivate yourself to get up and exercise. While it’s important to listen to your body and get plenty of rest, it’s just as critical to stay physically active. 

Previous articles

Exercise and Heart Health

February is heart health awareness month. Physical activity is one of the best things you can do to help prevent a heart attack or stroke. Being active is one part of a heart-healthy lifestyle. Eating healthy foods, not smoking, and staying at a healthy weight is another way you can be heart-healthy and help prevent a heart attack or stroke.

Exercise and Cervical Cancer

January is cervical cancer awareness month. There are multiple benefits of exercise for cancer patients that help steady the body, as well as support it during and post-recovery. Exercises for cervical cancer specifically help build strength with pelvic floor muscles and counteract the side effects of treatment.

Exercising and AIDS

Being HIV-positive is no different from being HIV- negative when it comes to exercise. Regular physical activity and exercise are part of a healthy lifestyle for everyone, including people with HIV.

Exercise and COPD

Regular exercise is part of a healthy lifestyle, even if you have chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD). You might feel like it is not safe, or even possible to exercise with COPD, but the right amount and type of exercise has many benefits.

Exercise and Breast Cancer

Exercise can ease treatment-related side effects and reduce the risk of breast cancer recurrence, as well as the risk of developing breast cancer in the first place.

Exercise and Cholesterol

Can dedicated weight training reduce your high cholesterol by itself? Medical research has gone back and forth over the years about whether weight workouts and other forms of resistance training lower “Bad” Cholesterol (LDL) at the same time they increase “Good” Cholesterol (HDL).

Eye Exercises

Eye exercises are designed to strengthen your eye muscles, help you focus, ease eye movements, and stimulate your brain’s vision center. As you practice them and move on to new ones, you’ll learn how to control your eye muscles and see the way you should. 

Exercise Safety During Summer Heat

Summer is the perfect season to enjoy outdoor activities like hiking, running, swimming, and cycling. However, exercising during summertime heat can also pose a risk to your health if you're not careful.

Exercise Tips for Men

Weight loss doesn't mean doing endless hours of cardio while depriving yourself of your favorite foods. A far healthier (and much more sustainable) approach is eating a healthy, well- balanced diet paired with a consistent exercise routine that includes cardio and strength training.

Exercising and High Blood Pressure

Physical activity not only helps control high blood pressure also known as hypertension, it also helps you manage your weight, strengthen your heart and lower your stress level. A healthy weight, a strong heart and general emotional health are all good for your blood pressure.

Exercising and Parkinson's Disease

Exercise is one of the most powerful treatments for Parkinson's disease. Many ask about the "best" exercise routine for Parkinson's. Most doctors say a safe, enjoyable regimen that helps manage your personal symptoms is the best approach.

Importance of Exercise

You know exercise is good for you but do you know how good? From boosting your mood to improving your sex life, find out how exercise can improve your life.

Exercise and Cancer Prevention

Changing your diet to decrease your risk of developing cancer is a good idea but starting an exercise program might also be helpful. Exercise is an important part of any weight loss program.

Make Blood Donation More Comfortable

Are you a first-time donor and worried about fainting during your blood donation? These symptoms are often caused by a sudden drop in heart rate, known as vasovagal reaction. Some studies suggest that a series of simple exercises, called applied muscle tension (AMT), can reduce these symptoms.