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July is UV Safety Awareness Month

Sun Safety for Kids

When kids are outdoors, it's important to protect their skin from too much exposure to the sun’s ultraviolet rays (UV rays), which can lead to skin cancer, skin damage and aging, and eye injury. 

UV rays react with a chemical called melanin (MEL-eh-nun) in the skin. The lighter a child's natural skin color, the less melanin it has to absorb UV rays and protect itself. Kids with darker skin have more melanin. But regardless of their skin tone, all kids need protection from UV rays because any tanning or burning causes skin damage. A sunburn happens when the amount of UV exposure is greater than the protection of the skin's melanin. The longer someone stays in the sun and the stronger the sunlight is, the greater the risk of damage. A tan is itself a sign of skin damage and does not help protect the skin.

Here are some things you can do to protect your children when out in the sun:

  • Use Sunscreen: Experts recommend that all kids no matter their skin tone, wear sunscreen with an SPF of 30 or higher. Whatever sunscreen you choose, make sure it's broad-spectrum (protects against both UVA and UVB rays) and, if kids are in or near water, is labeled water-resistant. Apply a generous amount and re-apply often.
  • Avoid the Strongest Rays of the Day: Try to stay in the shade when the sun is at its strongest (usually from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. in the northern hemisphere). If kids are in the sun during this time, apply and reapply sunscreen — even if they're just playing in the backyard. Most sun damage happens during day-to-day activities because it's easy to overlook using sunscreen then. Remember that even on cloudy, cool, or overcast days, UV rays reach the earth. This "invisible sun" can cause unexpected sunburn and skin damage.
  • Cover Up: One of the best ways to protect skin is to cover up. To see if they offer enough protection, put your hand inside clothes to make sure you can't see it through them. Some clothes have an ultraviolet protection factor (UPF) against the sun, so check the labels.
  • Wear Sunglasses: Sun exposure damages the eyes as well as the skin. Sun exposure over time can cause cataracts (clouding of the eye lens, which leads to blurred vision) later in life. The best way to protect eyes is to wear sunglasses that provide 100% UV protection.
  • Double-check Medicines: Some medicines make skin more sensitive to UV rays. Ask your doctor or pharmacist if any prescription (especially antibiotics and acne medicines) and over-the-counter (OTC) medicines your kids take can increase sun sensitivity. If so, take extra sun precautions.

When kids get sunburned, they usually have pain and feel like their skin is hot. This normally gets worse several hours after sun exposure. Because the sun has dried the skin, it can become itchy and tight. Sunburned skin begins to peel about a week after the sunburn. Encourage your child not to scratch or peel off loose skin because skin underneath the sunburn is at risk for infection.

Parents, don't forget to be a good role model. Use sunscreen, wear sunglasses, and limit your time in the sun. You'll reduce your risk of sun damage and teach your kids good sun sense.

To access the full article on tips for sun safety for kids, click here.