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Possible online services disruption due to Internet related outage

A worldwide technology outage is causing disruption to some State of Illinois online systems.  We are aware of this issue and are diligently working on restoration.

Staying Active During the Winter Months

Winter Wellness Fitness Tips

  • Stay Warm: Bundle up in loose-fitting layers. Make inner-most layer moisture-wicking material (not cotton). Use water resistant coat and shoes.  Add a warm hat and scarf, and wear mittens (they are warmer than gloves).
  • Winterize Exercise: Only when weather permits, try walking, jogging, cross-country skiing, ice skating and snowshoeing are fun alternatives for activities.
  • Beat the Blues: Winter months come with grey skies and this can be depressing for some individuals. This can lead do overeating, oversleeping and social withdrawal. If you think you might be depressed, please talk with your doctor and get help.
  • Take Care of Your Skin: Cold air and low humidity, can really affect your skin. To protect it, limit showers or baths to no more than 10 minutes and use warm water. Afterwards slather moisturizer cream or ointment all over your skin.
  • Get Tough on Germs: Help to reduce the spread of germs that cause the flu or colds. Wash hands often 20 seconds or more, using basic soap and water. Use an alcohol-based hand sanitizer when handwashing cannot be done. Cover your mouth when coughing or sneezing.

Who Needs a Gym?

Exercising at Home: A guide to safe tips on how to design your own exercise routine at home

Currently going to the gym right now may not be an option for some. Do not let missing out on going to the gym or having access to sophisticated equipment deter you from getting or staying in shape. You can still exercise effectively at home and achieve successful results.

Here are some useful ideas and tips to get you started:

Cardiovascular Activities:

  • Walk/Run in place during commercial breaks while watching television
  • If you have multiple floors in your home take a few rounds up/down a staircase
  • For more challenging activities you can do burpees, jumping jacks or exercise videos
  • Weather permitting go for walks, bike riding or a run

Strength Activities:

  • Squats- Target: lower body (Thighs, Buttocks and Hips)
  • Lunges-Target: lower body (Thighs, Buttocks)
  • Push-ups-Target: upper body (Chest/Triceps)
  • Bicep Curls-Target: upper body (Arms)


  • Your Own Body Weight
  • Exercise Bands
  • Dumbbells