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Nutrition and Dental Care
Get the Best Food for Teeth with Dental Superfoods
The idea is that putting fried, sugary, fatty, highly processed, and nutritionless foods into your body will not do you any favors. You also run the risk of developing heart issues, high blood pressure, type 2 diabetes, asthma, certain cancers, depression, and much more. In fact, the saying’s never been more true than when it comes to our teeth: eating unhealthy foods also leads to tooth decay and bad breath!
What foods are good for your teeth? When you think about it, it’s no coincidence that the foods that are good for your body are also good for your teeth and gums. After all, food and drink pass through the mouth first. But certain “dental superfoods” can have a real impact on your oral health. What are they, and what do they do?
The infographic on this page , offers a good checklist of what foods are good for your teeth and why you should include these in your diet:
Dark Chocolate
Leafy Greens
Fruits and vegetables
Unsweetened yogurt
Green and Black teas
Note that all of these dental superfoods contain vitamins, minerals, or antioxidants that affect tooth and gum health:
Vitamin C supports the connective tissues in your gums.
Vitamin D is important for tooth mineralization and fighting inflammation and decay.
Vitamin A helps with saliva production, which helps clean bacteria and food from teeth.
Calcium helps build strong bones and teeth.
Phosphorus helps absorb calcium and rebuild tooth enamel.
Antioxidants such as polyphenols help neutralize free radicals in the mouth and repair damage.
In most instances, following a healthy diet that includes foods for teeth health will naturally provide these essential vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants. When you eat healthy foods, you’ll not only reduce the chance of developing health risks or lessen their effects, but you’ll feel better, too.
In addition to a healthy diet, a large part of good oral health is visiting your dentist twice a year for cleanings and exams.
To access the full article and get more nutrition tips for good dental health, click here.
Useful links:
Healthy Eating for Healthy Teeth | Blue Cross Blue Shield Dental
10 foods and drinks with surprising oral health benefits | Oral Health Foundation
Feed Your Smile: The Best Foods for Oral Health | Rejuvenation Health (rejuv-health.com)
Diet and Dental Health | MouthHealthy - Oral Health Information from the ADA