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Staying Healthy During the Holidays

Tips and Recipes to Keep You Healthy During the Holidays

A key part of staying healthy during the holidays is to support the immune system. When your immune system is challenged, you’re less likely to maintain your overall health. Most of the things we indulge in during the holidays are chocolate, candy, processed foods and rich meals. These are taxing for your bodies to process and hamper immune system function.

The immune system is mysterious to many people. It’s not like the liver or the heart or a specific organ that you pinpoint and describe. The immune system is more like a series of bits and pieces that work together to form a total body defense. There are a few immune system abusers that kick the immune system while it’s down such as:

  • Sugar;
  • Alcohol;
  • Too much food (and food that isn’t health-supportive);
  • Lack of sleep;
  • Dehydration;
  • Lack of sunlight;
  • Lack of exercise; and
  • Stress.

To combat these immune system abusers through the holidays, here are a few key things you can do to establish healthy habits:

  • Avoid late nights.
  • Skip the sugar overload.
  • Move your body.
  • Manage the stress.
  • Eat mindfully.

As you slide into the chaos of the holiday season, if you know that you’re going to be doing a lot, your best defense will always be preparedness.

For more information on staying healthy during the holidays, click here: 

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