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Job Titles and Class Specifications

While the searchable Alphabetic Index results provide a means to view the Class Specification, for the most complete information regarding pay associated with a class, please also look at the printable Alphabetic Index. Job titles, class specifications and the appendix for FY2025 is on the Work 4 Illinois website. Job applicants may search job titles and class specifications using the Alphabetic Index January 1, 2025 on the Work 4 Illinois site. The Appendix January 1, 2025 includes information on the EEOC Codes, Abbreviations, and Bargaining Units. 

Printable Alpabetic Index -- January 1, 2025 Edition:

Job Class Specifications

State job class specifications are formal documents that describe in a useful way the types and levels of jobs within the entire Classification Plan. Specifications have the force and effect of law. They are representative and not restrictive in defining a class of positions. Classes are ordinarily defined as broadly applying to occupational groupings, which subsume a variety of different types of positions within the occupation for which the standard is written. Levels of work within an occupation are defined as a series of class specifications.

A written specification must be maintained for each class in the Classification Plan, and only the official class title or its designated code number may be used on personnel records to reflect the position classification. Each class specification, in addition to the official title, consists of three parts: the Distinguishing Features of Work, Illustrative Examples of Work, and Desirable Requirements.

  • The Distinguishing Features of Work uniquely defines the class of positions apart from all others in the plan. This section also defines those factors that are relevant in evaluating the position in terms that are specific to the occupation. The opening statement describes the level of supervision typically received by positions in the class (which is also one of the eight criteria used in evaluating positions in our system). Immediately following is a statement of the work or kinds of work that are characteristic of the class type and level of work.
  • The Illustrative Examples of Work offer statements that are characteristic of the work activities performed at the class level defined. The work examples show the diversity of tasks assigned to positions making up the class, and are sometimes used to describe how typical types of jobs are defined by the class. When reading the class specification, noting how these statements change from level to level offers insight into how work is performed differently at different levels in allocation factor-level terms.
  • The Desirable Requirements section is generally divided into three parts. They describe the education, experience and skills necessary for an individual to have or acquire prior to or during an appointment to a specific position within the class. Since some positions are classified as trainee, they would require desirable knowledge or skill that will have to be gained after appointment to the position. Since the class is a composite of like positions and not all positions require exactly the same requirements, this section is described as desirable. The official position description lists the requirements for appointment. Note: Some classes do, however, mandate that all employees in positions possess a special professional license or other minimum and will be listed as such.