Annuitant Information
Opt Out with Financial Incentive
Non-Medicare annuitants from any of the five state retirement systems (SERS, SURS, TRS, JRS or GARS) who are currently enrolled in the State Employees Health Program may elect to opt out of the health program and receive a $150.00 financial incentive (annuitants with less than 20 years of service) or a $500.00 financial incentive (annuitants with 20 or more years of service) per Public Act 98-0019. Members interested in this option must complete the Opt Out with Financial Incentive Packet and submit to the appropriate retirement system. The Opt Out with Financial Incentive was expanded to include all five state retirement systems effective July 1, 2013.
Annuitant Waiver
Public Act 93-553 changed the State Employees Group Insurance Act to allow an annuitant who is currently enrolled as a dependent of their State-covered spouse or civil union partner to remain a dependent and waive coverage in their own right. To qualify for this waiver, the annuitant must be enrolled as a dependent under their State-covered spouse or civil union partner for a year or more. The annuitant must indicate the election to continue as a dependent on the retirement system's Participation Election Form. Annuitants who do not return the form within the required time frame will have their coverage as a dependent of their spouse/civil union partner terminated. The spouse/civil union partner cannot carry Spouse Life on the annuitant; instead, the annuitant will have Basic Life coverage as a member.
Annuitants electing to waive health and dental coverage must complete the Annuitant Waiver Form and submit to the State Employees' Retirement System Group Insurance Representative (GIR) (PDF).
For further information regarding retirement benefits, contact your retirement system.