The purpose of the travel voucher is to claim reimbursement for travel expenses incurred while on travel status. Only expenses related to the travel should appear on a voucher, including: transportation expenses, mileage, lodging, meals, parking, tolls, per diem, etc. In addition, certain miscellaneous expenses can be claimed as defined in Section 3000.600(a) of the Travel Regulation Council rules.
To assist your agency and the Office of the Comptroller in reviewing and processing travel vouchers, there are a number of guidelines you should follow.
Section's 2800.240 and 2800.250 of the Governor's Travel Control Board rules outlines the proper method to complete and submit travel vouchers.
- If possible, travel vouchers (Form C-10) should be typed or produced electronically. If a handwritten voucher is to be submitted, be sure to write legibly.
- The purpose of the travel, employee headquarters and residence, applicable points of departure, destination, dates, and times, are all vital to an expedient processing of the voucher.
- Accurate mileage calculations must be noted on the voucher if a personal vehicle is authorized. Travel Update 07-01 outlines acceptable methods to record mileage reimbursement calculations.
- Required receipts must be attached to the voucher. Receipts should clearly indicate travel vendor, dates, times, dollar amounts, and include proof of payment such as zero balance, last four digits of credit card, etc.
- All travel vouchers should contain the appropriate authorizing signatures prior to submission to the Comptroller.
Travel reimbursement to employees falls under three separate detail object codes. It is important that the voucher indicate the appropriate code for the travel.
Code | Purpose |
1291 |
In-State Travel -- Reimbursements to Employees |
1292 |
Out-of-State Travel -- Reimbursements to Employees |
1295 |
Travel, Mileage Reimbursement to Employees |