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Possible online services disruption due to Internet related outage

A worldwide technology outage is causing disruption to some State of Illinois online systems.  We are aware of this issue and are diligently working on restoration.

Travel Update 15-04

TO: Agency Travel Coordinators
FROM: Trey Childress, Chairman
DATE: April 6, 2015
SUBJECT: Valet Parking Expenses Incurred in the City of Chicago While On Travel Status

Travel Update 14-04 advised that, absent exceptional circumstances, employees subject to the jurisdiction of the Governor’s Travel Control Board (the “Board”) are not entitled to reimbursement for valet parking expenses incurred in connection with State-related travel or business. Notwithstanding the general prohibition on reimbursement for valet parking, the Board understands that under certain circumstances, employees traveling to the City of Chicago on State business may need to incur reasonable valet parking expenses in the City due to a lack of other feasible parking alternatives. Based on a review of pricing at garages within the vicinity of the James R. Thompson Center, the Board has determined that it is reasonable for an employee on travel status to spend up to $30 per day on valet parking within the City of Chicago. Therefore, agencies need no longer submit exception requests to the Board when an employee has incurred valet parking expenses within the City of Chicago equal to or less than $30 per day.

When an employee has incurred expenses for valet parking in the City that exceed $30 per day, agencies may reimburse the employee $30 per day, but, absent exceptional circumstances, the employee shall be responsible for any amounts over $30 per day. The Board will continue to consider, via the exception process, reimbursement for valet parking expenses that exceed $30 per day, taking into account (among other things) whether the employee can demonstrate clearly that less costly parking options were not available.

We emphasize the following:

  • The allowance of up to $30 for valet parking expenses applies only within the City of Chicago, and only for employees who are on travel status, as that term is defined in 80 Ill. Admin Code 3000.140. Any valet parking expenses incurred outside of the City of Chicago (including outside of the State) and/or by employees who are not on travel status must continue to go through the Board’s exception process.
  • As with all travel expenses, and as noted in Travel Update 14-04, valet parking is subject to the rule that “[a]ll travel shall be the most economical mode of transportation available.” Thus, employees are required to seek out the least costly parking alternative that is reasonably available to them. The Board notes that several on-line resources are available to employees seeking less costly parking options within Chicago.
  • Employees whose daily valet parking expenses within the City of Chicago amount to less than $30 are entitled to reimbursement only for their actual expenses. In other words, employees are not entitled to be reimbursed for the difference between $30 and the amount actually spent on valet parking.

As the appointed Travel Coordinator for your Agency, it is your responsibility to disseminate the guidance contained in this Travel Update to all appropriate personnel within your Agency. If you have questions please contact Kelley Wells, State Travel Coordinator, Governor's Travel Control Board, at (217) 782-4705.


Sarah Clamp, Member
Scott Harry, Member