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Governor's Travel Control Board Meeting - August 23, 2022

Governor's Travel Control Board Meeting
Tuesday, August 23, 2022
01:00 PM to 02:00 PM CDT


  1. Call to Order
  2. Roll Call
  3. Consideration of Minutes from previous meeting
  4. Matters for Council Consideration
  5. Adjournment




Anthony Pascente, Chairman
Jim Foys, Member
Ken Steele, Member
Sean Coombe, Attorney
Lexi Landers, State Travel Coordinator

  1. Call to Order
    At approximately 1:03 PM Chairman Anthony Pascente called to order a meeting of the Governor’s Travel Control Board.
  2.  Roll Call
    All members of the board were present
  3. Consideration of Minutes
    The minutes of the meeting of the June 22, 2022 meeting were approved. (with typos corrected) Motion made by Jim Foys with a second to approve by Ken Steele.
  4. Exceptions
    1. Exception Report for 4th quarter of FY 22 was presented to the board
    2. Approved Travel Exceptions
      1. Illinois Emergency Management Agency – Hotel Expenses
      2. Illinois Department of Public Health – Gas Purchase
      3. Illinois Department of Revenue – Employee Controlled Housing (was approved for FY23 only)
      4. Illinois Department of Insurance – Lodging Rate
      5. Illinois Department of Healthcare and Family Services – Valet Parking – Jim Foys asked if he should recuse from voting as they had contacted him regarding exception process, Attorney Sean Coombe stated he can vote.
      6. Office of the Governor – Lodging – Abudayyeh (Ken Steele recused himself from voting)
      7. Office of the Governor – Lodging – Manar (Ken Steele recused himself from voting)
      8. Office of the Governor – Blanket Exception (Ken Steele recused himself from voting)
  5. New Business
    1. Update on Draft Rule Change for 10 Hour Rule for Meals - Attorney Sean Coombe gave update that change has been accepted by SOS and will be published in the coming weeks and hopefully be on the November agenda for JCAR and adoption in December.
    2. Update on Draft Rule Change for Out of Country Travel - Attorney Sean Coombe gave update that change has been accepted by SOS and will be published in the coming weeks and hopefully be on the November agenda for JCAR and adoption in December.
    3. Discussion of increase in meal reimbursements – an increase in meals and thus the per diem rate was discussed. Attorney Sean Coombe made the board aware that the Travel Regulation Council would be the voting entity to make the change to the current rates. Chairman Anthony Pascente asked Lexi Landers to make the council aware that the GTCB is recommending an increase and see if they are interested in meeting regarding an increase earlier than scheduled meeting in December. Also requested that Lexi Landers recheck numbers from research conducted on other States rates and when the last increase was completed for the State of Illiois. Was agreed that quarters should be an even dollar amount for per diem, thus the proposed increase should be $11.00 per quarter and $44.00 per day.
  6. Adjournment – A motion was made to adjourn the meeting at 1:28 PM by Jim Foys and Ken Steele seconded the motion.