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Governors Travel Control Board Meeting - April 4, 2023

Governor's Travel Control Board Meeting
Tuesday, April 4, 2023
10:00 AM to 11:00 AM CDT

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  1. Call to Order
  2. Roll Call
  3. Consideration of Minutes from the November 29, 2022 meeting.
  4. Matters for Board Consideration
    1. Exception Report
    2. Exceptions
      1. Illinois Department of Transportation – Lodging
      2. Illinois Department of Transportation – FY24 Employee Controlled Housing – Blanket Exception
      3. Illinois Department of Transportation – Resort Fees
      4. Illinois Department of Transportation - Lodging
        Illinois Department of Natural Resources – Lodging/Taxi
      5. Expenses
      6. Illinois Department of Natural Resources – Mileage Reimbursement
      7. Illinois Tollway – Lodging/Per Diem
      8. Illinois Tollway – Lodging/Per Diem/Parking
      9. Illinois Department of Agriculture – Lodging Rates
      10. Illinois Gaming Board – Resort Fees
      11. Illinois Gaming Board – Resort Fees
      12. Illinois Gaming Board – Mileage and Meal
      13. Office of the Governor – Lodging
    3. Update/Vote to Match Travel Regulation Council Per Diem Rates
  5. New Business
    1. Discussion on Allowing AirBnB (current travel update 17-02 does not allow)
    2. Discussion on Lodging Rates
  6. Adjournment

NOTICE: This agenda conforms to the requirements of Section 2.02 of the Illinois Open Meetings Act (5 ILCS 120/02).

Any individual planning to attend who will need an accommodation under the Americans with Disabilities Act should notify the CMS EEO office at (217) 558-6713 or (866) 273-3684 (Nextalk).




Raven DeVaughn, Chairman
Jim Foys, Member
Ken Steele, Member
Sean Coombe, Attorney
Lexi Landers, State Travel Coordinator

  1. Call to Order
    At approximately 10:03 AM Chairman Raven DeVaughn called to order a meeting of the Governor’s Travel Control Board.
  2. Roll Call
    All members of the board were present
  3. Consideration of Minutes
    The minutes of the meeting of the November 29th, 2022 meeting were approved. Motion made by Jim Foys with a second to approve by Ken Steele all members were in favor.
  4. Matters for Board Consideration
    1. xception Report for the 3rd quarter of FY 23 was presented to the board
    2. Travel Exceptions
      1. Approved Travel Exceptions
        1. Illinois Department of Transportation – Lodging (Board made note that employees need to follow the rules, this is a direct bill and the Board does not want to leave the hotel without payment)
        2. Illinois Department of Transportation – FY24 Employee Controlled Housing – Blanket Exception (Board made note that perhaps the information in request needs updated with most recent usage by IDOT)
        3. Illinois Department of Transportation – Resort Fees
        4. Illinois Department of Transportation - Lodging
        5. Illinois Department of Natural Resources – Lodging/Taxi Expenses
        6. Illinois Department of Natural Resources – Mileage Reimbursement
        7. Illinois Tollway – Lodging/Per Diem (Board noted that agency needs to remind employees to follow rules)
        8. Illinois Tollway – Lodging/Per Diem/Parking (Board approved only reimbursement of State rate, taxes, per diem and parking, cost was exorbitant and rules were not followed)
        9. Illinois Gaming Board – Resort Fees
        10. Illinois Gaming Board – Resort Fees (Board approved resort fees of $70.00, taxes do not need an exception.)
        11. Illinois Gaming Board – Mileage and Meal (Board made point that Agency needs reminded to make sure employees follow rules)
        12. Office of the Governor – Lodging (Ken Steele Recused)
      2. Exceptions not Approved
        1. Illinois Department of Agriculture – Lodging Rates (Board has requested more detailed explanation from the Agency, once received will review at next meeting)
    3. Update/Vote to Match Travel Regulation Council Per Diem Rates
      Approved to match per diem rates by all members. Sean Coombe provided two options for this to be completed. The first one just matched per diem/meal rates. The second will link the GTCB rates with the Travel Regulation Council rates Therefore when the TRC increases rates, then the GTCB rates will automatically match. Sean Coombe made the point to explain at any time the GTCB can vote to unlink the rates. The Board approved unanimously to link the rates.
  5. New Business
    1. Discussion on allowing AirBnB (current travel update 17-02 does not allow)
      Ken Steele m
      ade the point that during very busy times especially in Springfield during session, sometimes AirBnB can end up being cheaper when needing for weeks at a time. In addition a house setting with amenities that are not available at hotels are nice for those employees travellng for extended amount of time. Sean Coombe commented that there may be legal ramifications along with ethical concerns, depending on who owns these properties. Chairman DeVaughn voiced concern on how hard it is for employees to be away from home for extended time and it would be good to offer for employee experience. Employees would then be able to utilize kitchens, laundry facilities and other amenities. Jim Foys inquired with Sean Coombe if there would be a way to do an AirBnB list similar to hotel list. Sean Coombe stated perhaps we can look into and and research possible ramifications. Ken Steele stated he agreed could be an issue with lobbyist owned properties. Chairman DeVaughn stated issue should be tabled and she will have CMS look into the issue further to get more information.
    2. Discussion on Lodging Rates
      Lexi Landers stated that she can provide research on loding rates and look at other states and GSA. Chairman DeVaughn stated that a sense of the market is needed to look at new rates. Ken Steele commented that the current out of State rate is way too low and inquired if it could be treated like out of Country. It was determined that more research would be completed, and this would be an agenda item at the next quarterly meeting.
      Ken Steele inquired how out of country reimbursement should be done. Sean Coombe stated that all receipts should be provided as expenses as out of Country does not have a set per diem/meal rate and is just reasonable expenses.
  6. Adjournment – A motion was made to adjourn the meeting at 11:19 AM by Ken Steele and Jim Foys seconded the motion. All members agreed.