Possible online services disruption due to Internet related outage
Dependent Eligibility Verification Audit (DEVA)
HMS Employer Solutions (HMS), an independent firm, will be conducting a Dependent Eligibility Verification Audit (DEVA). The intent of this audit is to ensure that only eligible dependents are covered under the College Insurance Program (CIP). This audit will be required of CIP members who retired on or after September 1, 2013.
HMS will mail a letter to each member who has a dependent enrolled. The letter will detail the steps and documentation required to keep dependents from having their coverage terminated. Note: As a result of this audit, dependents enrolled without a valid SSN on the Membership system will be terminated if a copy of the SSN card is not submitted to HMS by the due date. The letter will also include a Frequently Asked Questions document. Members must complete and sign the back of the letter and submit it, along with the required documentation, directly to HMS by the due date indicated on the letter. The First Notice Letter and FAQ document are attached to this notice.
The letter mail date and the deadline for required documentation are as follows:
- Letters were mailed the week of September 15, 2015;
- Deadline to submit documentation is October 30, 2015;
HMS has developed a secure website at www.AuditOS.com which will be available to members after they receive their letter. By registering on this website, members will find more details regarding this audit as well as provide assistance with where to locate documentation (via links to county websites, etc.) and how to submit documentation.
Members who have questions regarding this audit should be directed to HMS by calling the toll-free telephone number provided on the correspondence the member receives. Members who receive any correspondence from HMS Employer Solutions should read it carefully as there are specific due dates as to when documentation needs to be submitted. Failure to follow the instructions could result in loss of coverage for any unverified dependents.
Members who have completed the audit will be sent a postcard confirming that nothing else needs to be done.