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CMS Vehicle Usage Program

Effective July 1, 2012

Agencies recently received the new State Employee Business Transportation Policy from Central Management Services, Division of Vehicles (CMS/DOV), the goal of which is to provide cost effective options for agencies to carry out state business needs. DOV has developed a program in support of this policy with the primary objective of addressing the rising costs to the state of an aging, high mileage passenger vehicle fleet. It is in the State’s best interests to own when efficient and utilize options when paying by the mile is cheaper. Agencies and employees are advised to analyze available options to determine the least costly transportation method available to ensure agencies own vehicles when that is the cheapest option and pay only for the use of vehicles through car sharing, rental or reimbursement when each of those is the cheapest option. It is also in the state’s best interests to minimize commuting expense by only assigning vehicles to individuals (IAV’s) when it’s the cheapest option for the state based on an accumulation of breakeven or higher annual business miles that are at least 70% of total annual miles.

Effective in Fiscal Year 2013 DOV will charge agencies quarterly usage fees for their use of new and existing passenger vehicles in fleet as a means to enable replacement of necessary vehicles before they become a cost burden on the state to repair. The program does not include fuel and car wash expenses, agencies continue to pay those. This program also moves the state closer to acquiring higher MPG, lower emission vehicles that are more reliable to carry out employee work missions. It should be noted agencies still bear responsibility for fleet management of vehicles they utilize from the time they are acquired, during their useful life and through the disposal process. Agencies are also responsible to maintain and review applicable use logs and cost information for efficient fleet management, the role of each Agency Vehicle Coordinator also remains essentially the same under this program.

All CMS and Governor’s Office fleet rules and policies currently in affect apply to vehicles in this program. Information on Rates, agency responsibilities, DOV responsibilities, acquiring, maintaining and disposing of vehicles follows. Please contact DOV for further information or assistance. Agency Vehicle Coordinators continue to be the primary point of contact for fleet information;

Rates – The program effective date is July 1, 2012, under the program DOV will be responsible to purchase approved replacement passenger vehicles for assignment to state agencies and. DOV will cover existing agency passenger vehicle maintenance, repair and accident costs under quarterly Usage Program rates to be charged to agencies identified using this link FY24 CMS Passenger Vehicle Usage Rates. Rates are based on vehicle type and associated costs to operate and replace them.

Usage Program Rates do not cover fuel or car washes, the cost of which remain the responsibility of the agency using the vehicle. The vehicle types included in this program are listed using the following link CMS Vehicle Usage Program Vehicle Types.

Agency Vehicle Coordinators will be informed of rate changes annually or as they occur. Rates may be increased if program costs increase.

Acquiring Vehicles – Standard procedures apply to acquire non-passenger fleet vehicles not included in this program. The following requirements apply to request an upgrade of an existing fleet vehicle covered by the Usage Program. A PBC is not required for CMS Vehicle Usage Program vehicles, an agency fleet request template (AFR) is required, submitted by the agency vehicle coordinator and signed by the agency head. Please allow as much time as possible for requests to be considered in DOV’s budget planning cycle to help ensure sufficient funding is in place for needed vehicles. Replacements will be prioritized in order of necessity, condition and cost and carried out to the extent funding is available. In general DOV will target vehicles for replacement at 8 years, 150,000 miles allowing consideration for condition and repair costs. Vehicle sources for this program include; Surplus, used GSA and new vehicles, based on available funding, agency projected use and other work mission considerations.

DOV will, to the extent possible, standardize passenger fleet vehicles to reduce costs and streamline the process of ordering and replacing vehicles. Agencies are asked to reduce or eliminate optional equipment that is not mission critical and to provide sufficient justification of the need for options at the time vehicles are requested. DOV quarterly rates include the cost of a standard vehicle before options. Agencies will be billed for the cost of mission critical options through the quarterly Usage Program billing process.

Important Note: If your agency has or continues to utilize Federal or other special funding sources for vehicle leasing or purchasing which may restrict participation in this program please contact DOV to discuss available options prior to Usage Program term commencement July 1 or as soon as possible.

Inspections – Agencies are responsible for full compliance with the requirements noted above and at least one Annual Preventative Maintenance check through a DOV State Garage or authorized vendor. For other repairs and maintenance instructions see below.

Vehicles (Vans) that are used for transporting passengers such as inmates, also vehicles used for making deliveries and repairs (such as Mail and Messenger vehicles, TM vans) are required to have both the annual and safety inspections.

The 6-month safety test includes the testing and inspection of brakes, lights, horns, reflectors, rear vision mirrors, mufflers, safety chains, windshields and windshield wipers, warning flags and flares, frame, axle, cab and body, or cab or body, wheels, steering apparatus, and other safety devices and appliances.  

Note: Current and previous model year vehicles up to 2 years or 24,000 miles are exempt from the annual inspection requirement.

Fuel, Minor Maintenance/Oil Changes and Repairs – Agencies are responsible to pay all fuel and car wash expenses for all fleet vehicles. Generally, DOV will cover expenses for allowable minor maintenance and repairs incurred on Usage Program vehicles including oil changes and requires agencies to follow prescribed maintenance intervals to keep fleet costs down.

Quarterly rates include oil changes as required per CMS Policy

  •  10 years and older passenger vehicles every 3,000 miles or 12 months, whichever comes first.
  •  9 years and newer passenger vehicles every 5,000 miles or 12 months, whichever comes first.
  •  Tire rotation on all passenger vehicles every other oil change.

Fees will be assessed to agencies for failure to maintain vehicles per requirements as indicated above.

Minor Maintenance and Oil Changes – Standard procedures apply to obtain and process payment for minor maintenance and oil changes on non-passenger vehicles. Options to obtain minor maintenance for Usage Program vehicles continue to include requesting services from the nearest State Garage or utilizing a vendor. Prior approval from DOV is not required for vendor performed lube, oil and filter changes. The majority of agencies bill minor maintenance expenses through the state’s commercial fleet card vendor, currently Wright Express (WEX), for expedited vendor payment.

Options to add minor maintenance vendors to the fleet card network;

  • Vendors can sign up at
  • Agencies can provide location and contact information to WEX account support staff who will reach out to interested vendors.
  • Vendors may opt to use Wex Pay and call WEX for authorization prior to performing minor maintenance on state vehicles. Please use the methods described above to sign up.

Paying for Fuel – Standard procedures apply for payment of fuel purchased from CMS; agencies pay CMS Fuel invoices in full. Standard procedures also apply for payment of fuel purchased using the state’s commercial fuel card WEX. See below if vendor invoices also contain charges for non-fuel items such as oil changes.

Paying for Oil Changes performed by vendors – DOV will pay for allowable lube oil and filter changes (LOF’s) performed by vendors such as WEX for usage program vehicles as noted below.
Agency makes payment to Wex for the fuel portion of any Wex invoice in full.
Agency then verifies any non-fuel or maintenance charges, signs the vendor invoice and forwards the Wex or vendor fuel invoice containing allowable non-fuel expenses such as oil changes to the address below;
CMS/DOV – AIS, 200 E. Ash St., Springfield, IL 62704
The cost of oil changes and minor maintenance performed at State Garages is included in quarterly rates charged to agencies. Lube, oil and filter changes beyond maintenance requirements are the responsibility of the agency to pay.

Standard Repair Procedures for all Fleet Vehicles – Agencies schedule repairs and other preventative maintenance and accident related body repairs through the nearest CMS State Garage or request authorization prior to obtaining overflow vendor repair services. Planned maintenance should be scheduled in advance. Please use the following link for a listing of CMS/DOV State Garages. Agencies are required to contact the nearest state garage for authorization prior to obtaining vendor repairs except in cases of after-hours emergencies. In case of after-hours emergency please contact the nearest DOV Garage the next business day or call the number on the back of the blue and white CMS credit card for emergency assistance. Please note: DOV State Garages, in consultation with DOV Regional Managers, will determine if Usage Program vehicles are cost prohibitive for DOV or vendor repairs and will notify agency Vehicle Coordinators in those cases.

Accident Repairs – Standard procedures apply for non-passenger vehicles. DOV will cover the cost of accident repairs to Usage Program vehicles when the state driver is at fault. Drivers are responsible to inform their agency of all accidents. Per JCAR rule 5040.520: the driver has to report the accident & complete the SR-1 to give to the agency Vehicle Coordinator within 3 calendar days.

If the State driver is incapable of completing the report because of death or disability, the driver's supervisor is required to complete the form.

In all cases, the completed SR-1 must be submitted by the Auto Liability Coordinator to CMS Risk Management - Auto Liability Division no later than 7 calendar days following the accident, or the driver and agency risk forfeiture of coverage under the State's auto liability plan.

Agencies continue to subrogate claims and handle recovery of funds from third parties through the CMS Benefits Management Division for all fleet vehicles. Agencies contact the nearest state garage for prior authorization to proceed to obtain accident repairs on any fleet vehicle based on the lowest bid of at least two estimates when the state driver is at fault.

Checks for accident damage caused by a third party for totaled state vehicles in this program or from subrogation are submitted to the DOV, State Garage Revolving Fund (SGRF) for deposit into the Wrecked Vehicle Fund for the replacement of the damaged vehicle. Third party insurance checks for accident damage repairs to state vehicles are submitted to DOV for credit to the agencies account against the DOV repair, work order invoice.

Non-Allowable Expenses Against Usage Program Vehicles

  • Oil changes or Annual inspections exceeding CMS maintenance requirements without prior approval for special circumstances.
  • Repairs from outside vendors without prior DOV State Garage approval which do not meet emergency repair criteria.
  • Major repairs to vehicles when agency driver is negligent. ( Example: DOV technician determines an engine was operated without sufficient engine oil or unreported body damage as confirmed by DOV Regional Managers.)
  • Repairs required due to a lack of required maintenance as determined by DOV Regional managers.
  • Any expense not related to the maintenance, repair or operation of state vehicles.

Note: State employee drivers are solely responsible to pay for moving or non-moving violation fines; past due fines and any associated fees including toll violations. DOV will not be responsible for payment of these fees. For further information please use the link provided for JCAR rules.

It is the agencies responsibility to pay the costs associated with having an IPASS in any state vehicles.

Vehicle Disposal – Standard procedures apply to non-passenger vehicles. Agency personnel contact the agency Vehicle Coordinator for approval and to arrange for fleet vehicle disposal. Agencies are responsible to deliver drivable turn-in vehicles to CMS, Surplus Property, 10 ½ Street, Springfield, Illinois or to contact the nearest state garage to utilize Ibid procedures for inoperable vehicles. For detailed Ibid procedures contact the DOV, License and Title Section or the nearest state garage.

Note: Vehicle Coordinators are required to assure turned in vehicles have been cleaned out so there is no garbage, wrappers etc. License plates need to be removed and disposed of properly. Transponders need removed and either turned back in or reassigned. Stickers / Decals that identify vehicle as a State vehicle need to be removed.  

Agency Fleet Management/Vehicle Coordinator Responsibilities – Agencies request additional vehicles or replacements for usage program vehicles based on work needs using a similar process to current procedures through the Agency Vehicle Coordinator and DOV as noted above. Agency responsibilities for all fleet vehicles continue to include;

  • maintaining vehicle inventory information
  • vehicle locations
  • how vehicles are used
  • who uses vehicles, usage logs as required
  • if they are used up to breakeven business miles or are special use vehicles if below
  • that they are properly maintained and in safe condition
  • mileage both business and commuting if authorized
  • vehicle costs
  • having internal policies as least as stringent as the CMS policies which apply to all Governor agencies

DOV is in the process of requesting enhancements to the current fleet management system to allow for data exchange with agencies and the public. The system will be acquired and implemented as funding and resources permit.

Additional Questions from State Agencies

Will the E-85 fuel mandate still be in effect on July 1, 2012?

Yes. All rules and policies pertaining to state fleet vehicles continue to apply under this usage program.

Will CMS be able to retrieve a personally assigned vehicle from an employee at any time?

Information on who should have an Individually Assigned Vehicle primarily resides at the agency level where Agency Heads approve assignments based on business needs and specific criteria in rule and policy; that process will not change. CMS currently may and will continue to evaluate assignments and recommend additional review or corrective action based on cost and fleet efficiency and what is in the best interests of the state.

What costs does DOV include in its usage rates?

Rates include maintenance and repairs and depreciation to cover the cost of a replacement when a vehicle reaches the end of its useful life. DOV will also cover accident costs for usage program vehicles. Agencies will pay the full cost of fuel and car washes for all fleet vehicles.

Vehicle accidents and lengthy repairs occur frequently throughout the year. Has CMS considered this and how timely will the replacement vehicle be available?

Yes, agencies should make contingency plans for fleet vehicle downtime just as they do now. CMS has a Car Sharing Contract and a Car Rental contract to supplement agencies needs for employee business transportation when state vehicles are unavailable. Agencies and employees are required to select what is most cost effective among available options. Additional guidance on how to choose the lowest cost option can be found in the link to the State Employee Business Transportation Policy and calculator above. Agency Vehicle Coordinators may also obtain additional information on the DOV Home Page.

Will employees be allowed to be reimbursed for mileage, if they drive their own vehicle, during the time it takes for CMS to replace the personally assigned vehicle?

If reimbursement is the most cost effective option agencies may elect to reimburse, however use of state pool cars, car sharing and car rental should be considered first. Contractual obligations should be discussed with Agency Labor Relations liaisons. Please refer to the State Employee Business Transportation Policy link above for further information.

Will CMS be utilizing the current vehicle maintenance schedule?


Will CMS require the comprehensive documentation of vehicle usage that is currently submitted to agencies internally?

Agencies should continue to maintain data necessary to manage their fleets internally and as described under the Fleet Management Section above. Log requirements remain in effect. Agencies are in the best position to know what is needed to carry out their missions and will still be responsible for fleet management at that level and should continue to maintain recordkeeping and oversight for cost efficiency and accountability. Agencies will be able to request vehicle acquisitions/replacements based on work needs using the same process that exists today for that purpose through their Agency Vehicle Coordinators and CMS.

Will there be restrictions on usage of vehicles in the Usage Program?

The same CMS/JCAR Rules and policies apply to operation of state vehicles whether they are agency owned or part of the Usage Program. Agencies are also encouraged to have their own internal use policies which they must be at least as stringent as CMS policies/rules that already apply to them. Please consult with CMS/DOV for assistance in policy development. Vehicle Coordinators may refer to the Rules on the DOV Home Page for further information.

What will be the policy for replacing a Usage Program vehicle?

Subject to available funding and what is in the best interests of the state, replacement guidelines to replace vehicles remain the same, 8 years 150,000 miles for passenger vehicles. Age, mileage and condition are all considered when considering vehicle replacements. Replacements will be prioritized and based on available funds. To request a replacement agency Vehicle Coordinators submit an AFR signed by their agency head to DOV.

Will CMS have enough personnel to cover all vehicles that will require maintenance?

CMS does not anticipate implementation of the Vehicle Usage Program to have a significant impact on demand for maintenance and repairs, please let us know if there are other considerations that merit additional discussion. Per standard procedures, vendors may be utilized as authorized by the nearest state garage prior to obtaining repairs.

Will CMS allow computer stands and printer plates to be installed in Usage Program vehicles?

Agencies may specify and approve mission critical equipment to meet work needs continue to be installed in state vehicles. Agencies will be required to pay for non-standard options it requests which are mission critical through the quarterly usage program billing process. Like any other state property, agencies are expected to maintain vehicles according to requirements in good condition or fees may be assessed.

What data should agencies continue to maintain on vehicles in the CMs Vehicle Usage Program?

CMS is working toward a web based, enterprise fleet system which would reduce costs and data entry requirements overall, that solution is in the planning stages. In the meantime agencies are encouraged to maintain comprehensive fleet and cost data as described under the Fleet Management section above as needed for efficient management of fleet vehicles they operate.

The memo introducing the Usage Program discusses a vehicle replacement plan. Who will be making the decision as to whether or not a vehicle needs to be replaced? How will the 7-year cycle work? In other words, we have vehicles in varying stages of use. Is

A number of vehicles in the fleet are past due for replacement based on age, mileage or condition. DOV cannot remedy the entire situation immediately but will use all available resources to replace the most critical vehicles first to help agencies carry out their missions. In the meantime maintenance and preventative maintenance of vehicles is recommended for reliability and safety. Under no circumstances should any agency authorize use of a vehicle it considers to be unsafe. DOV will work with agencies to prioritize replacements as funding is available using the AFR and in communication with agencies and their Vehicle Coordinators.

How do agencies address concerns of adequate funding in their contractual line to pay DOV Usage Program fees?

Please refer to your agency GOMB liaisons to discuss sufficient funding for fleet vehicles. For further information or assistance contact DOV or go to CMS Website. Agency Vehicle Coordinators have access to detailed information on the DOV Home Page.