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About the Program

Created by the Solid Waste Management Act of 1986, the State of Illinois' I-CYCLE Program facilitates the recycling of paper, cardboard, aluminum cans, plastics, scrap metal, fluorescent light bulbs, laser printer cartridges, books, rechargeable batteries, batteries, tires, oil, and anti-freeze. The program administered by the CMS Director’s Office of Environmental Health and Safety to reduce waste, increase recycling, minimize environmental impacts; recover; sell recyclable materials from state agencies and encourage the market development of recovered materials.

In FY19, the State of Illinois diverted over 7.7 million pounds from the waste stream. Approximately 4 million pounds was recycled. In addition, Illinois Correctional Industries recycled over 3.4 million pounds of cardboard, tin, plastics, pallets and waste vegetable oil. Actual statewide impacts are higher as not all recycling data is tracked and reported.

CMS continues to contract not-for-profit Community Rehabilitation Facilities within CMS's Bureau of Strategic Sourcing State Use Program to recycle its surplus computers, cell phones and other electronic equipment in order to prevent leaks of mercury, lead, and other toxins into the environment. The State Use Vendors continue to meet or exceed national certifications for responsible electronics recycling.

CMS is committed to of the goal of increased recycling, government can lead by example in minimizing potential environmental impact with waste reductions, recycling and recycled/post-consumer-purchasing activities. Fifty-four percent of all paper and paper products procured/ purchased by CMS for the state contained recycled materials. CMS Bureau of Strategic Sourcing sources items containing recycled materials such as laser printer cartridges; recycling bins, tires, antifreeze, toilet tissue, napkins and many office supplies with recycle content.

Ensure compliance

Confidential documents cannot pass through the I-Cycle program.

All confidential information should be destructed/shredded in compliance with State Records Commission; JCAR rules, laws and agency policy guidelines. 5ILCS 160 State Records Act


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Contact I-CYCLE

Central Management Services
313 S. Sixth Street
Springfield, IL 62701

Phone: (217) 782-3521