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State Use Meeting Minutes - February 22, 2017

  1. Call to Order

    Chairman Rutter called the meeting to order at 1:10 P.M.

  2. Roll Call

    Corrie Smith conducted roll call.

    The following members were present: (see attached sign-in sheet)

    • Tracy Rutter, Stratton Springfield
      Richard W. Gloede, Stratton Springfield
      George Indelli, JRTC Chicago
      Dan Strick, JRTC Chicago
      Chris Dickey, Stratton Springfield
      Skylar Tierney, Stratton Springfield

    Chairman Rutter announced that there was a quorum present.

  3. Approval of the December 6, 2016 Meeting Minutes

    Chairman Rutter confirmed the members had reviewed the December 6, 2016 Minutes and there were no proposed changes.

    Chairman Rutter called for a motion to approve the Minutes.

    Motion to Approve: Member Dickey
    Second: Member Gloede
    Tally of Votes: Members unanimously approved the Minutes.

  4. Review of and Vote on Proposed Contracts

    Chairman Rutter asked the Committee if everyone had a chance to review the list of contracts and request letters that are to be voted on today.

    The Committee stated that they did.

    Corrie Smith read aloud the contracts for vote. (see attached vote sheet).

    Chairman Rutter asked if there were any other questions from the committee or a member of the public regarding any contract. Chairman Rutter called for a motion to approve the list of contracts read aloud by Corrie Smith. All contracts were approved as read by Corrie Smith.

    Chairman Rutter announced that the contracts voted on today represented 183 Client jobs and a total of $13,934,731.20 in contracting.

  5. New Business

    Chairman Rutter stated that the 5 Year Plan is coming up this year, she mentioned that we have suggested making this a 3 Year Plan. Chairman Rutter asked for volunteers for the Task Force. Member Tyler volunteered to be on the Task Force as well as Member Indelli and Chairman Rutter. Member Tyler suggested reaching out to Benedictine College students to help with the Plan. Member Indelli stated that he would reach out to Source America. Chairman Rutter stated that the Plan needs to be completed by July 1st, if possible. Chairman Rutter asked that the current 5 Year Plan be sent out to all the Members. There was discussions about the current 5 Year Plan; goals, State Use Exhibition, Social media marketing, etc. Ms. Vernell Hammons from the University of Illinois stated that the universities hold many different events and she would like to invite State Use to join in their events, they are held in different parts of the state; Edwardsville, Carbondale, Governor State University and the Chicago locations.

    Chairman Rutter discussed SB 1274 and asked if there were any other suggestions regarding the bill. Member Strick stated that Chairman Rutter did a nice job clarifying issues that the committee has had. She also stated that HB 3899 had the same language, and if any member had any suggestions regarding the bills, to please push them to her. There was also discussion in regards to the 14c Certificate from the Department of Labor; whether it should be one of the qualifications to be qualified as a State Use Workshop.

  6. Public / Vendor Comments

    Chairman Rutter called for Public and Vendor Comments. There were none.

  7. Future Meeting Dates

    Next meeting is scheduled for April 4th and June 22nd, both at 1:00 P.M.. The May 10th meeting will be cancelled.

  8. Adjournment

    Chairman Rutter called for motion to adjourn.

    Motion to Approve: Member Gloede
    Second: Member Dickey
    Tally of Votes: Members unanimously approved the motion to adjourn.

    Chairman Rutter announced the motion to adjourn was approved and adjourned the meeting at 2:39 P.M.