Possible online services disruption due to Internet related outage
Frequently Asked Questions
- Do I receive 100% of my invoice? Are there any charges that I, the vendor, incur?
- Once registered, how long does it take to receive my check?
- Do I have to assign all of my invoices or may I pick and choose?
- Are medical assistance invoices eligible for the program?
Once the vendor’s invoice is approved by a Qualified Purchaser, the vendor will receive 90% of the invoice. After the Qualified Purchaser receives the base amount and the prompt payment penalty fee from the State of Illinois, the vendor will then receive the remaining 10%. There are no costs incurred by the vendor other than giving up the prompt payment interest accrued on the base amount.
Once a Qualified Purchaser approves the invoice, it will take approximately 7 to 10 working days to receive a check.
This is a voluntary program. The vendor may choose any number, or none, to assign to the program. Invoices are not automatically assigned.
Medical assistance invoices are not eligible for the program.