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State Use Meeting Minutes - September 26, 2012

September 26, 2012 Minutes

  1. Call to Order
    Chairman Roberts welcomed everyone and called the meeting to order at 2:00 p.m.
  2. Roll Call
    Present at the meeting were the following members:
    ( see attached)

    Sharla Roberts, Chairman
    Richard W. Gloede
    Curt Massie
    Audrey McCrimon

  3. Approval of the Minutes of the June 20, 2012 Meeting
    Chairman Roberts stated there was no quorum present and asked if we could take the agenda out of order and move to Item #5.

  1. Ngozi Okorafor, CMS Strategic Sourcing Counsel, provided a history and refresher presentation of “Robert Rules of Order”.

    During the presentation Member Dr. Seymour Bryson and Member David Dailey were connected via video conferencing.

    On behalf of Chairman Roberts, Corrie Smith recognized the presence of Member Bryson and Member Dailey to the meeting.

    Chairman Roberts asked to resume the initial order of the Agenda and return to Item #3.

    Chairman Roberts announced that all contracts were voted on and approved as read.

  1. Approval of Minutes
    Chairman Roberts stated there was now a quorum present and called for a motion to approve the Minutes of the August 29, 2012 meeting.

    Motion to approve: Member Gloede
    Motion to second: Member Massie
    Motion passed unanimously.

    Chairman Roberts announced that the minutes were approved.

  2. Review of and Vote on Proposed Contracts ( see attachment for list of contracts)
    All contracts for vote were read aloud by Brynn Henderson. Brynn stated that 5 out of the 6 contracts were brand new contracts.

    Motion: To approve all contracts Member Dailey
    Motion: To second Member McCrimon
    Motion passed unanimously.

    Chairman Roberts announced that all contracts were voted on and approved as read.

    Member McCrimon complimented the staff for 65million dollars worth of new contracts.

  3. New Business:

    5.1     Ms. Okorafor continued her presentation on the “Robert Rules of Order”. Some of the highlights of the rules included a reminder that all questions from CMS staff should be funneled through the Chairman; Committee Members may change their votes before the motion has been made; the Meeting Minutes and Agendas should be posted in a timely manner.

    5.2     Ms. Smith announced that on October 19, 2012 there will be a State Use Vendor Exhibition. All the APO’s and SPO’s as well as the Universities were invited to attend and participate in the workshops.

    Melanie Hennessey from The Chicago Lighthouse thanked the Committee and the Illinois Tollway for having faith in their Agency to do the Call Center. This contract will provide over 100 jobs for visually impaired persons. She also noted the unemployment rate for those individuals is still at a high rate of 75% and this contract will also serve other disadvantaged persons and veterans. Ms. Hennessey responded to questions from Committee Members.

    Question: Member Bryson asked if Veterans are now considered persons with Disabilities from The Chicago Lighthouse perspective.

    Answer: Ms. Hennessey answered by stating no, but The Chicago Lighthouse plans on hiring 350 individuals, 50% are projected to be visually impaired persons and the remaining 30% are projected to be individuals with veteran status.

    Question: Member McCrimon asked what the average wage will be.

    Answer: Ms Hennessey stated that the average rate will be $11.00 per hour, but this will also give a employees career opportunities. The Chicago Lighthouse’s plan is to commit 80% of the jobs for visually impaired person.

    Carlissa Puckett from SPARC thanked the Committee for its new contract at the Franklin Complex. SPARC has been in business for 61 years and specifically the janitorial industry for 20 years. This contract will serve 20 persons with disabilities.

    Chairman Roberts asked if there were any other persons who wished to speak from the public.

    Member Dailey and Member McCrimon both announced they had to leave the meeting.

  4. Future Meeting Dates
    Thursday, October 18, 2012

  5. Adjournment
    Chairman Roberts called for motion to adjourn

    Motion to adjourn: Member Gloede
    Motion to Second: Member Massie
    Motion passed unanimously.

    Chairman Roberts adjourned the meeting at 2:55 p.m.