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State Use Meeting Minutes - February 17, 2016

  1. Call to Order

    Chairman Rutter called the meeting to order at 1:00 PM. Chairman Rutter introduced the newest member, Skylar Tierney to the Committee; she gave a short background history of Skylar. After the introduction of Member Tierney, she asked everyone to introduce themselves since there were many new faces at the table.

  2. Roll Call

    Brynn Henderson conducted roll call.

    The following members were present: (see attached sign-in sheet)

    Tracy Rutter, Stratton Springfield
    Seymour Bryson, SIU-E Carbondale
    Richard W. Gloede, Stratton Springfield
    George Indelli, Chicago
    Dan Strick, JRTC Chicago
    Chris Dickey, Stratton Springfield

    Chairman Rutter announced that there was a quorum present.

  3. Approval of the December 4, 2015 Meeting Minutes

    Chairman Rutter confirmed the members had reviewed the Minutes; Member Dickey stated that in the December 4th minutes it states that she motioned to approve item IV, but she was not at the meeting and therefor did not second it, Dan Strick motioned to second item IV. Chairman Rutter stated that we will approve the December 4th meeting after the correction has been made.

  4. Review of and Vote on Proposed Contracts

    Chairman Rutter asked the Committee if everyone had a chance to review the list of contracts and request letters that are to be voted on today.

    The Committee stated that they did.

    Corrie Smith read aloud the contracts for vote (see attached vote sheet), during the reading of the individual contracts there were several questions by the members:

    Member Strick asked about the Imaging contract with the Illinois Tollway; Corrie Smith stated that all the information was on the request forms that are submitted to each member. Chairman Rutter stated that she would be happy to read the request letter aloud for Member Strick. Member Strick said it was not necessary.

    Member Dickey asked if the Bakery Mix contract was actually for 2 months; Brynn Henderson explained that it usually is a 6 month contract but due to the budget, they are only doing 2 months at a time.

    After the reading of each contract, it was unanimously voted on with the exception of five contracts; four were abstained by Member Indelli; two with ARC for corrugated boxes and two for Tri, Industries, also for corrugated boxes, Member Strick also abstained one contract for Southstar Services for janitorial services in Kankakee. Chairman Rutter asked if there were any other questions from the committee or a member of the public regarding any contract. Chairman Rutter called for a motion to approve the list of contracts read aloud by Corrie Smith.

    Motion to approve: Member Gloede
    To second: Member Dickey

    Tally of Votes: The contracts were approved

    Chairman Rutter announced that the contracts voted on represents 177 job opportunities and $51,764,688.48.

    Member Bryson asked if we should look into the policy in regards to when a member abstains from voting, he suggests that it should be consistent. Chairman Rutter stated that it is everyone’s right to abstain to vote, she believes that members have abstained in the past but will look into it.

  5. New Business

    Member Dickey stated that she belongs to SIARF, Southern Illinois Association for Rehabilitative Facilities, some of the members approached her about vendor and payment issues, and they suggested contacting an attorney for payment, she also asked if other workshops are not honoring their contracts.

    Chairman Rutter suggested that those vendors can send her email to her and she will forward them to a “SWAT” team that was created in the Budget Office and the Governor’s Office; there are alternate payment options and resources. There is no guarantee but they are trying their best get some sort of payment out during these difficult times.

    Member Gloede asked if they are still paying 1 ½ % interest.

    Chairman Rutter said yes, but it has to be invoiced or it will not be recognized.

    Member Gloede asked how Higher Education was doing with working with State Use.

    Chairman Rutter stated that they are active and just at the last meeting we voted on a huge contract with the University of Illinois, Chicago. The CPO’s office stays in touch with Corrie and Brynn.

  6. Adjournment

    Chairman Rutter called for motion to adjourn.

    Motion to Approve: Member Dickey
    Second: Member Gloede

    Tally of Votes: Members unanimously approved the motion to adjourn.

    Chairman Rutter announced the motion to adjourn was approved and adjourned the meeting at 1:27 P.M.

    Future meeting dates:

    March 16, 2016
    May 18, 2016