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Possible online services disruption due to Internet related outage

A worldwide technology outage is causing disruption to some State of Illinois online systems.  We are aware of this issue and are diligently working on restoration.

State Use Meeting Minutes - December 4, 2015

  1. Call to Order

    Chairman Rutter called the meeting to order at 1:07 P.M.

  2. Roll Call

    Brynn Henderson conducted roll call.

    The following members were present: (see attached sign-in sheet)

    Tracy Rutter: Stratton Springfield
    Seymour Bryson: SIU-E Carbondale
    Richard W. Gloede: Stratton Springfield
    Khari Hunt, Chicago
    George Indelli, Chicago
    Dan Strick, JRTC, Chicago

    Chairman Rutter announced that there was a quorum present.
    Chairman Rutter introduced new Committee Member George Indelli. George is with Tri Industries in Northwest Chicago. George is very familiar with State Use as they have several statewide master contracts for remanufactured printer and copier supplies and Tri Industries was recently awarded the production and distribution of corrugated boxes. We welcome George to the Committee.

  3. Approval of the October 27, 2015 Meeting Minutes

    Chairman Rutter confirmed the members had reviewed the Minutes and that there were no proposed corrections. Chairman Rutter called for a motion to approve the Minutes.

    Motion to Approve: Member Gloede
    Second: Member Bryson

    Tally of Votes: Members unanimously approved the Minutes.

  4. Review of and Vote on Proposed Contracts

    Chairman Rutter asked the Committee if everyone had a chance to review the list of contracts and request letters that are to be voted on today.

    The Committee stated they did.

    Corrie Smith read aloud the contracts for vote (see attached vote sheet).

    After the reading of each contract, Chairman Rutter asked if there were any questions from a committee member or a member of the public regarding any contract. After voting on each contract individually, Chairman Rutter called for a motion to approve the list of contracts read aloud by Corrie Smith.

    Motion to approve: Member Gloede
    To second: Member Strick

    Tally of Votes: The contracts were approved

    Chairman Rutter announced that the contracts voted on represents 110 job opportunities and $8,428,026.62

  5. New Business

    Member Strick asked about the employment first survey. Chairman Rutter said we will look at it and see if it should be updated and sent out again.

    Member Bryson asked if there has been any plans on talking to the higher education people.

    Chairman Rutter stated that Ben Bagby has provided a list of preference items and through the higher education office, State Use has established over 32 million in call center contracts.

  6. Adjournment

    Chairman Rutter called for motion to adjourn.

    Motion to Approve: Member Gloede
    Second: Member Strick

    Tally of Votes: Members unanimously approved the motion to adjourn.

    Chairman Rutter announced the motion to adjourn was approved and adjourned the meeting at 1:27 P.M.

    Future meeting dates:

    February 17, 2016
    May 11, 2016