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State Use Meeting Minutes – April 27, 2011

April 27, 2011 Minutes

A meeting of the State Use Committee was held on March 30, 2011. Chairman David Eldridge called the meeting to order at 1:10 P.M.

Members Present

Call to Order

David Eldridge called the meeting to order at 1:19 P.M. and welcomed everyone.

Roll Call

Corrie Smith conducted the roll call. Due to technical difficulties with connections from the JRTC building in Chicago and IDOT in Springfield, Audrey McCrimon from Chicago and David Dailey from DOT were not able to connect via video conference. No public members were denied an opportunity to attend the meeting.

Approval of Minutes

David Eldridge asked for a motion to approve the minutes of the March 30th Meeting, the minutes were unanimously approved.

Posted Business

David Eldridge asked for an update on the 5 Year Plan Task Force. Brynn said that the meeting was a very lively one; the Task Force is planning on doing a survey of all the Workshops to see what kind of changes or additions they would like to see in State Use, and also see their capabilities. The Task Force would also like to see what other state mandates are and would like to do a comparison with other states. The next Task Force Meeting is May 3rd. Dan Strick asked who the members are.

The 7 members are:

Tom Colclasure, Facilitator – Bridgeway (Rehabilitation Member)

Mike Poe – ARC (Rehabilitation Member)

David Dailey - DOT (State Use Member)

Dick Gloede – Shelby County Community Services (State Use Member)

Craig Mitckes – IDOT

Corrie Smith – State Use Staff Brynn Henderson – State Use Staff

David Eldridge asked if we were ready to move to the contracts.

Brynn Henderson read the first half of contracts and Corrie Smith the second half.

. Two contracts were removed from the list; Macon Resources, 11-61148, SOS $5,000,000.00 and TCRC, 11-59058, CMS/IDHS $1,208,530.20 due to incorrect dollar amount.

David Eldridge asked if there were any questions regarding any other contract besides the two that are removed.

Dick Gloede asked to clarify the terms of the CMS janitorial contracts. Corrie explained that the CMS contracts are now a 5 year contract, although some of them have a 2 year term, other Agencies terms might be different then the janitorial contracts held by CMS. David asked why some janitorial contracts have a higher dollar amount. Corrie explained that some buildings are bigger than others; it is in correlation to the building size. David asked if there was a motion to approve the contracts with the two changes. Seventy seven contracts were presented to the Committee to vote; 56 Janitorial, 1 Carpet Cleaning, 1 Ground Maintenance, 2 Electronic Recycling, 16 Rest Areas and 1 License Plate contract. These contracts represented 467 jobs at a value of $16,734,733.87.

A motion was made by Curt Massie and seconded by Dick Gloede to approve the contracts. The contracts were unanimously approved. There is a clause at the bottom of the vote sheet stating that the prices offered are reasonable and would not be substantially more if this procurement were to be competitively bid. Each committee member is to sign, date and return to State Use Office for filing.

New Business

David Eldridge asked if anyone has new items for the group.

Margaret Van Dijk introduced herself; she is with the Chief Procurement Office for General Services and is here on behalf of Matt Brown. Matt Brown was here last month and one of the things he would like to do is educate the SPO's about State Use and get the message out to increase the numbers. Margaret pointed out that they have implemented within the CPO's office mini seminars or mini trainings, for example one was done yesterday on small purchases. She mentioned they would also like to do one for State Use. She stated they were requesting David to ask staff members to be available to bring that message to the agencies and do a 30-60 minute presentation at one of their next seminars. David agreed that would be wonderful and asked if Brynn and Corrie would be available for them.

Brynn and Corrie both said yes.

Future Meeting Dates

The next meeting date is for May17 and June 14th at 1:00, at the same locations.


A motion to adjourn was made by Curt Massie and seconded by Dick Gloede. All were in favor. The meeting adjourned at 1:45 P.M.