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State Use Meeting Minutes – February 15, 2011

February 15, 2011 Minutes

A meeting of the State Use Committee was held on February 15, 2011. Chairman David Eldridge called the meeting to order at 1:20 P.M.

Members Present

  • David Eldridge, Chairman
  • David Dailey
  • Curt Massie
  • Audrey McCrimon
  • Chris Dickey
  • Dan Strick
  • Dick Gloede

Staff Present

  • Corrie Smith
  • Carole Copi
  • Brynn Henderson


  • Jan Morrow
  • Jeremy Bliss
  • Chris Burnett
  • Ellen Daley
  • Elizabeth Kee
  • George Indelli

Call to Order

David Eldridge called the meeting to order at 1:20 P.M. and welcomed everyone.

Roll Call

Corrie Smith conducted the roll call; everyone was present except for Dr. Bryson.

Approval of Minutes

David Eldridge asked for a motion to approve the minutes of the November 10, 2010 Meeting.

The committee reviewed the minutes from the June 30th meeting. A motion was made by Curt Massie and seconded by David Dailey to accept the minutes. The minutes were unanimously approved.

New Business

David Eldridge had everyone introduce themselves to the Committee and other Attendees.

Posted Minutes David Eldridge asked the Committee if they had reviewed all the contracts that were on the Agenda to be voted on and if there were any questions or debate.

QST: Audrey McCrimon-As this is my first meeting to officially participate, could there be a two minute discussion on how this process works?
ANS: David Eldridge- David Eldridge asked that Brynn and Corrie can give a 10 minute presentation at the next Committee meeting, Corrie and Brynn will get together with Ellen and Elizabeth.

QST: Chris Burnett – Does the Committee have the ability to reject contracts.
ANS: David Dailey – Yes. It has happened in the past; we rely on the information given by the staff and can also call and ask question to the participating Agency.

QST: Dan Strick – Is the length of the contract term new?
ANS: Corrie Smith – Yes, but it has always been a one year contract with five renewals, there has never been a provision for an automatic increase.
ANS: Jan Morrow – There isn't a prevision for an increase unless the minimum wage went up.

QST: Dan Strick – If the minimum wage went up, would there be an opportunity to renegotiate?
ANS: Jan Morrow – Yes

QST: Chris Burnett – Are there other elements of the contract that would be able to open up the contract for consideration of increases, there are gas increases, supplies, and there is more than just minimum wage increases?
ANS: David Eldridge – In speaking and having conversations with the PM's, they are in the believe that if we changed a contract in midstream, it would have to be a new contract.

QST: Chris Burnett – You could renegotiate new contract?
ANS: David Eldridge – I don't see how you couldn't.

QST: Dick Gloede – He also would like to have an orientation.
ANS: David Eldridge – At the next meeting Brynn and Corrie will give a 10 minute tutorial, can you get with Ellen and Elizabeth.

QST: Chris Burnett – Might that also include the intent of P.A. 960634 that has been passed over a year ago.
ANS: We will include that in the tutorial or agenda.

David Eldridge asked if we are now ready to move unto the contracts. Twenty seven contracts were presented to the Committee for vote. These contracts represented 178 jobs at a value of $7,767,342.97.

A motion was made by David Dailey and seconded by Curt Massie to approve the contracts. The contracts were unanimously approved. We have a clause at the bottom of the vote sheet stating that the prices offered are reasonable and would not be substantially more if this procurement were to be competitively bid. Each committee member is to sign, date and return to State Use Office for filing.

Future Meeting Dates

The next meeting dates are for March 30th at 1:00 and April 27th at 1:00, at the same locations.


A motion to adjourn was made by David Dailey and seconded by Curt Massie. All were in favor. The meeting adjourned at 1:45 P.M.