State Use Meeting Minutes – January 26, 2010
A meeting of the State Use Committee was held on January 26, 2010. Chairman John Donato called the meeting to order at 1:30 p.m.
Members Present
- John Donato, Chairman
- Dr. Bryson
- David Dailey
- Curt Massie
Staff Present
- Corrie Smith
- Jan Morrow
- Brynn Henderson
The committee reviewed the minutes from the September 2nd meeting. A motion was made by David Dailey and seconded by Curt Massie to accept the minutes. The minutes were unanimously approved.
New Business
Seven contracts were presented to the Committee for vote. These contracts represented 115 jobs at a value of $1,077,206.10.
A motion was made by David Dailey and seconded by Dr. Bryson to approve the contracts. The contracts were unanimously approved. We have a clause at the bottom of the vote sheet stating that the prices offered are reasonable and would not be substantially more if this procurement were to be competitively bid. Each committee member is to sign, date and return to State Use Office for filing.
The State Use Committee is still in need of a new private member. Corrie Smith mentioned that Dick Gloede and Audrey Mc Crinnon applied on the website to be a member.
A scheduled date was set for the next meeting for April 14th and May 19th.
A motion to adjourn was made by Curt Massie and seconded by Dr. Bryson. All were in favor. The meeting adjourned at 1:45 p.m.