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State Use Meeting Minutes - January 25, 2012

January 25, 2011 Minutes

  1. Call to Order
    Chairman Roberts welcomed everyone and called the meeting to order at 1:00 p.m.
  2. Roll Call
    Present at the meeting were the following members:
    ( see attached)

    Sharla Roberts
    Richard W. Gloede
    Curt Massie
    Christine M. Dickey
    Daniel A. Strick
    Seymour Bryson in Carbondale

  3. Approval of the Minutes of the September 14, 2011 Meeting
    Jeremy Bliss, State Use Manager stated there was a quorum present. He called for a motion to approve the Minutes from the September 14th meeting

    Motion to Approve: Member Gloede
    Motion to second: Member Massie
    Jeremy Bliss announced that the minutes were approved as written.

  4. Review/Discussion of and vote on the Five Year Plan
    Task Force Chairman, Tom Colclasure presented the corrected five year plan to the committee. He noted that all changes have been made according to the amendments made at the last meeting. Concerns were brought up: Member Gloede is concerned about the word Severe used throughout the document and does not want this to limit opportunities for disabled persons. Brynn Henderson noted that this word is written in the State Use Law and should probably remain.

    Member Bryson commented that it is a great plan but has concerns about level of resources needed to accomplish goals. He asked staff if they think this can be accomplished. Corrie and Brynn both mentioned they think it can be accomplished however, the fact that they are not allowed to travel and have lost the ability to do outreach to the level needed, is a great determent Task Force member, Craig Mitckes suggested that the plan reflect the dates of 2013 – 2017 as we are already half way through 2012.

    Task Force Chairman, Tom Colclasure announced that he is leaving Bridgeview, Inc. by the end of January and this would be his last meeting. The State Use Committee expressed their thanks to Tom for all the work he put into this Plan and wish him well on his new endeavors.

    Jeremy Bliss, State Use Manager, called for motion to vote to implement the five year plan with amendments.

    Motion to approve: Member Gloede
    Motion to second: Member Strick
    Jeremy Bliss announced the vote is unamanous to adopt and implement the five year plan.

  5. Review of and Vote on Proposed Contracts ( see attachment for list of contracts)

    All contracts for vote were read aloud by Jeremy Bliss

    Motion to approve: Member Strick
    Motion to second: Member Dailey
    Jeremy Bliss announced that all contracts were voted on and approved.

  6. Future Meeting Dates

    March 21, 2012 at 1 p.m.

  7. Adjournment
    Chairman Roberts called for motion to adjourn

    Motion to adjourn: Member Dickey
    Motion to Second: Member Massie

    Chairman Roberts announced the motion to adjourn was unanimously approved and adjourned the Meeting at 1:29 p.m.