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State Use Meeting Minutes - June 14, 2011

June 14, 2011 Minutes

 June 14, 2011 Minutes (PDF, 53 KB)

A meeting of the State Use Committee was held on June 14, 2011. Chairman David Eldridge called the meeting to order at 1:00 p.m.

  1. Call to Order
    Chairman Eldridge welcomed everyone and called the meeting to order at 1:00 p.m.
  2. Roll Call
    Present at the meeting were the following members: ( see attached)

    David Eldridge
    Richard W. Gloede
    Curt Massie
    Christine M. Dickey
    Daniel A. Strick
    Seymour Bryson in Carbondale
    Audrey McCrimon in Chicago
    David Dailey at DOT

  3. Approval of Minutes
    Chairman Eldridge stated there was a quorum present. He called for a motion to approve the Minutes from the June 2nd meeting. Member McCrimon suggested the minutes be corrected in order to count her present at the June 2nd meeting. There is a question as to whether Member McCrimon can be counted present as the meeting had not been properly posted. This is an issue for the legal department who is not present today. Member Gloede moved that the minutes be tabled until next meeting with a second by Member Strick. Chairman Eldridge stated motion carried.

  4. Review of and Vote on Proposed Contracts
    ( see attachment for list of contracts)

    All contracts for vote were read aloud by Corrie Smith.

    Member McCrimon asked to be recused from voting on the Chicago Lighthouse contract.
    Member Strick asked to be recused from voting on the five Southstar Services Contracts.

    There were three roll calls to vote.

    Chairman Eldridge called for motion to approve contracts without Chicago Lighthouse and Southstar Services.
    Motion: To approve Member Gloede
    Motion: To second Member Massie

    Chairman Eldridge called for motion to approve the Chicago Lighthouse Contract.
    Motion: To approve Member Strick
    Motion: To second Member Dailey

    Chairman Eldridge called for motion to approve the five Southstar Services Contracts
    Motion: To approve Member Massie
    Motion: To second Member Dickey

    Chairman Eldridge announced that all contracts were voted on and approved.

  5. New Business
    Chairman Eldridge called for any new business.

    Member McCrimon asked for a task force update. Corrie Smith stated that the task force has completed the SNOT analysis. The June 14th meeting had to be cancelled with a future date being worked on. Brynn Henderson said they might be asking for extension in date. Chairman Eldridge said the task force committee needs to work harder and stay on original timeline. The information from the National State Use organization needs to be gathered and distributed. Member McCrimon said that Jim Kesteloop might be someone to contact regarding set aside on a National level. He is on the National Board and is an Illinois resident.

    Member McCrimon brought up the fact that she has some procedural and informational issues with data on the present vote sheet. Categories of concerns are the total number of employees with disabilities, Fair market value, wage of employees with disabilities, cumulative figures for area, vendor, state agency and number of contracts. Not comfortable with expanse of information provided on vote sheet. . She said that it would be helpful if the vote sheet could display the total number of people the contract employees and not be just limited to disabled individuals. Another item that she would like included on the vote sheet is an estimate of fair market value. Some members of the committee may not have access to resources that would allow them to independently and accurately gauge what is 'fair market value'.

    Chairman Eldridge asked Jeremy Bliss, Manager of State use Program, to explain how reviews are made with outside State Agencies. He told how staff reviews initial letter of request along with the CMS legal department form. The number of disabled individuals employed is reported on the Certificate of Assurance form we receive from the workshop. This information is entered on the vote sheet and presented to State Use Committee. An authorization letter is sent to the request State Agency giving them the exempt from bid status. The outside agencies do their own analysis for fair market price. Corrie Smith sited that Transitions just did one with a pending laundry contract. CMS contracts are examined to be consistent with private sector as one way was of determining fair market price.

    Chairman Eldridge said Member McCrimon has raised all good suggestions and he would like to add one more and that is to have a column added to the vote sheet that shows fair market value for comparison. We need to address whatever the rule speaks to. A meeting is scheduled with staff later this week to go over several things to help move this Committee forward.

    Chairman Eldridge stated that by statute this Committee is to do Annual Reports. They were not done for FY-09 or FY-10. They are now done and in the process of being printed. Chairman Eldridge credited Jan Morrow for her work on the Annual Reports. FY-10 shows there were 259 contracts awarded. Out of 101 state use vendors only 59 received contracts. The statute says we should be diverse and not overlap. We have to figure out how to better allocate contracts.

    Member Dailey questioned why the DOT contracts had been tabled at the May 24th meeting. Chairman Eldridge said contracts from outside agencies needed to be reviewed. He had to check on statute rules. This resulted in the creation of an information sheet for outside agencies to submit for review. He stated that the DOT contracts were voted on and approved at the June 2nd meeting.

    Chairman Eldridge cited item 8 in the State Use Statute as to why we are all here. To review all bids submitted under the provisions of this section and reject any bid for any purchase that is determined to be substantially more than the purchase would have cost had it been competitively bid.

  6. Future Meeting Dates

    No date has been set. There are several CMS commodity contracts that need to be voted on for July 1st start date. Bakery mixes, Batter, Breading, and Calendars. Staff will come up with dates that would work best before July 1st, but not a guarantee. If next week, video sites could be used if properly posted.

    Chairman Eldridge asked Member McCrimmon to e-mail list of what she would like added to vote sheet.

  7. Adjournment
    David Eldridge Called for motion to adjourn

    To adjourn was made by Member Dailey
    Motion: To Second by Member Gloede