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Small Business Set Aside 2009 Report

Small Business Set Aside Program Fiscal Year 2009 Annual Report

December 3, 2009

The Honorable Pat Quinn
Governor of the State of Illinois
207 State House
Springfield, IL 62706

Dear Governor Quinn:

State agencies have diligently pursued contracting opportunities with small businesses during Fiscal Year 2009.

CMS has worked hard to achieve this success, including efforts to:

  • Educate purchasing officials in State agencies about the capabilities of small Illinois firms
  • Continue outreach initiatives through the use of the Sell2Illinois website
  • Promote the program at more than 125 events, conferences and workshops
  • Provide monthly newsletters to inform small companies of State contracting opportunities
  • Designated 64 procurement categories solely for small business competition
  • Set aside all State contracts valued up to $50,000

The number of companies registered in the set-aside program has increased to 5,892 from only 1,925 back in 2005.

The total amount spent and/or awarded by State agencies in FY 09 with Illinois businesses registered with the Small Business Set Aside program is $162,463,654. A detailed breakdown by agency is shown in the attached report. CMS continues to work with the various State agencies to determine (1) a breakdown of the total value of awards made to small businesses pursuant to the set-aside designation in FY09, and (2) the total amount actually spent with small businesses pursuant to the set-aside designation in FY09. As soon as that data is available CMS will file a supplement to the attached report.

At CMS, we will continue to expand competition for State contract opportunities and help small businesses enhance their credentials and grow their revenue � which, in turn, spurs economic growth and job creation throughout our great state.


James P. Sledge

Executive Summary

The focus of the CMS Small Business Set-Aside Program is on growth:

  • Growing the amount of State agency spending with small Illinois businesses,
  • Encouraging growth in the number of companies registered in the program, and of course
  • Helping entrepreneurs grow their revenues by winning State contracts � which can lead them to expand their capabilities, become more competitive, and create more jobs.

CMS is proud to report that our efforts along with those efforts of other state agencies are driving significant growth in the SBSA program.

By integrating the Small Business Set-Aside program into the statewide procurement network and giving powerful tools to purchasing officials in state agencies, the State of Illinois is continuously increasing the number registered companies, state contracts, and awarded value.

More companies = more participation

The number of participating companies has increased to 5,892 by the end of FY2009.

More participation = more competition

To open up opportunities for small Illinois companies and increase competition for State contracts, CMS has worked hard to build the set-aside program procurement network and to increase State purchasing officials� awareness of and participation in this important program.

More value = more competitiveness

More and more small Illinois companies are competing for � and winning � State business, thanks in part to the Small Business Set-Aside Program. And � importantly � participation in the program is working to help small firms build their capacity, establish a track record and enhance their ability to compete.

In addition to the contracts that small companies won through the SBSA program (where they compete only against other small firms), they also won a significant amount of State business while competing outside the program.

To build on this success, CMS continues to seek ways to enhance the SBSA program and to work with State purchasing experts from all agencies, boards and commissions under the Governor to expand competition for State contracts.

To build on this success, we will continue our efforts to help small Illinois businesses grow their revenues, expand their capacity, enhance their credentials and increase their competitiveness � which, in turn, helps spur investment, job creation, and economic growth in communities throughout Illinois.

The total amount spent and/or awarded by State agencies in FY 09 with Illinois businesses registered with the Small Business Set Aside program is $162,463,654. A detailed breakdown by agency is shown in this report. CMS continues to work with the various State agencies to determine (1) a breakdown of the total value of awards made to small businesses pursuant to the set-aside designation in FY09, and (2) the total amount actually spent with small businesses pursuant to the set-aside designation in FY09. As soon as that data is available CMS will file a supplement to this report.

Below is a breakdown by agency:

Agency Amount Awarded
Aging $56,812
Agriculture $1,428,118
Board of Higher Education $17,477
Community College Board $16,151
Capital Development Board $18,539,197
Council on Developmental Disability $7,537
Commerce & Economic Opportunity $1,889,470
Children & Family Services $6,238,850
Criminal Justice Information Authority $37,908
Central Management Services $11,631,962
Court of Claims $488,357
Civil Service Commission $69
Department of Employment Security $891,416
Deaf & Hard of Hearing Commission $10,567
Department of Human Services $14,682,494
Department of Juvenile Justice $846,191
Department of Natural Resources $5,213,521
Department of Corrections $8,527,873
Department of Transportation $54,969,825
Department of Public Health $699,412
Department of Veteran's Affairs $3,286,376
Educational Labor Relations Board $837
Emergency Management Agency $381,845
Environmental Protection Agency $13,600,024
Financial & Professional Regulation $152,587
Guardianship & Advocacy Commission $4,592
Healthcare & Family Services $13,046,027
Illinois Arts Council $24,837
Illinois Commerce Commission $96,649
Illinois Student Assistance Commission $220,542
Illinois State Police $559,871
Judicial Inquiry Board $6,935
Law Enforcement Training & Standards $10,984
Labor Relations Board $41,262
Military Affairs $1,396,917
Office of Executive Inspector General $27,106
Office of Management and Budget $4,872
Prisoner Review Board $6,910
Property Tax Appeal Board $7,319
Revenue $417,774
State Board of Education $605,599
State Employee Retirement System $189,268
State Fire Marshall $441,115
State Universities Civil Service Commission $3,811
Toll Highway Authority $1,527,724
Workers Compensation Commission $208,667

The total amount spent and/or awarded by State agencies in FY 09 with Illinois businesses registered with the Small Business Set Aside program


The total amount spent and/or awarded by State agencies in FY 09 with Illinois businesses registered with the Small Business Set Aside program who are also registered as Businesses Owned by Minorities, Females, and Persons with Disabilities

$ 28,337,560

The following is a list of 64 procurement categories that have been set aside for competition among small Illinois businesses registered in the Small Business Set-Aside Program:

Procurement Category Classification
Addressing and Mailing S370-100
Janitorial S320-425
Air Conditioner Repair S120-100
Jugs and Caps 5085-288
Air Filters and Air Filter Media 3585-016
Labeling Services S370-400
Asphalt Paving S210-120
Landscaping S340-200
Automotive Maintenance, Batteries 5013-114
Laser Printer Cartridges and Supplies 5096-646
Automotive Maintenance, Belts and Hoses 5013-097
Lawn Care, Misc. S340-225
Automotive Maintenance, Exhaust 5013-105
Mailing Services S370-500
Building and Grounds Maintenance S340-100
Masonry Services S210-310
Calendars (excluding Calendar Pads) 5112-572
Painting S210-390
Carpentry S210-380
Parking Lot Maintenance S460-450
Carpet Cleaning S320-250
Pavement Maintenance S210-400
Carpet/Linoleum/Tile Laying S210-150
Plastering S210-410
Computer Supplies, Data Tape Cartridges 5083-859
Plumbing, Misc. S450-050
Concrete Finishing S210-190
Plumbing Services S450-200
Data Entry S420-340
Plumbing Supplies and Equipment, Misc. 3292-618
Drapery Cleaning S200-100
Pneumatic Tools 3423-621
Dry Wall Services S210-230
Power Tools 3423-782
Electrical Services S160-200
Roofing S210-440
Electricians S210-240
Safety Supplies 3840-843
Excavating S210-250
Snow Plowing S340-450
Exterior Building Cleaning S320-300
Trucking and Hauling Services S370-800
Fencing S210-260
Typing Services S420-740
Fertilizer Application S340-150
Upholstery Cleaning S200-700
Flags 5189-357
Ventilating S120-700
Floor Maintenance Machines 3589-355
Ventilation Services S210-700
Floor Surfacing S210-270
Video and Audio Tapes 5043-823
Floor Wax Components 5087-455
Wallpaper Hanging S460-700
Furniture Cleaning S200-200
Water Heaters 3292-619
Gloves, Disposable, Medical Type 3841-284
Window Washing S320-650
Heating Repair S120-400
Wiping Rags 5140-660
Housekeeping S320-400
Word Processing Services S420-800
Imprinted Notions 5136-549