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Bilingual Needs & Pay Survey Report 2009

The Bilingual Needs And Bilingual Pay Survey Report for Fiscal Year 2009

Prepared for Distribution on December 31, 2009
Report Summary Amended January 13, 2010
by The Department of Central Management Services Bureau Of Personnel

Alphabetical Index of the Names of all Agencies, Boards & Commissions Completing the Fiscal Year 2009 Bilingual Needs & Bilingual Pay Survey

Agency Needs?
Aging, Department on yes
Agriculture, Department of yes
Arts Council yes
Capital Development Board no
Central Management Services, Department of yes
Children & Family Services, Department of yes
Civil Service Commission no
Commerce & Economic Opportunity, Dept of yes
Commerce Commission, Illinois yes
Corrections, Department of yes
Criminal Justice Information Authority no
Deaf & Hard-of-Hearing Commission yes
Developmental Disabilities, Council On no
Emergency Management Agency no
Employment Security, Department of yes
Environmental Protection Agency yes
Executive Inspector General, Office of the yes
Financial and Professional Regulation, Department of yes
Gaming Board* see Department of Revenue  
Guardianship & Advocacy Commission yes
Healthcare and Family Services, Department of yes
Human Rights Commission yes
Human Rights, Department of yes
Human Services, Department of yes
Illinois Historic Preservation Agency no
Illinois Power Agency no
Insurance, Department of yes
Investment, State Board of no
Juvenile Justice, Department of yes
Labor Relations Board � Educational no
Labor Relations Board � State & Local* yes
Labor, Department of yes
Law Enforcement Training & Standards Board no
Medical District Commission no
Military Affairs, Department on no
Natural Resources, Department of yes
Pollution Control Board no
Prisoner Review Board yes
Property Tax Appeal Board no
Public Health, Department of yes
Racing Board, Illinois yes
Revenue, Department of * (FY09 includes Gaming Board) yes
State Employees' Retirement System no
State Fire Marshal, Office of the yes
State Police Merit Board no
State Police, Illinois yes
Transportation, Department of yes
Veteran's Affairs, Department of no
Workers Compensation Commission, Illinois no

* Multiple agencies submitting combined reports.

BNBPS FY09 State Agencies, Boards, & Commissions with Bilingual Service Requirements Cases Requiring Bilingual Assistance

Percent of Bilingual Cases Involving

Agency, Board, or Commission Total Number 15 Min. or Less 16 Min. to 60 Min. 61 Min. to 1/2 Day 1/2 Day or More Percent Requiring In-depth Assistance
Corresponding Survey Question 1 1ai 1aii 1aiii 1aiv 1b
Aging, Department on 1,436 65% 35% 0% 0% 100%
Agriculture, Department of 100 94% 5% 1% 0% 0%
Arts Council 14 100% 0% 0% 0% 50%
Central Management Services, Department of 690 40% 60% 0% 0% 80%
Children & Family Services, Dept of 9,473 0% 0% 0% 100% 100%
Commerce & Economic Opportunity, Dept of 788 30% 33% 16% 21% 77%
Commerce Commission 889 50% 50% 0% 0% 75%
Corrections no answer 0% 0% 100% 0% 100%
Deaf & Hard Of Hearing Commission "Separate cases are not reported."          
Employment Security, Department of 70,044 76% 24% 0% 0% 60%
Environmental Protection Agency 3,650 98% 2% 0% 0% 3%
Executive Inspector General, Office of the 50 50% 30% 20% 0% 60%
Financial & Professional Regulation, Dept of 1,800 65% 30% 4% 1% 50%
Guardianship & Advocacy Commission 241 20% 40% 15% 25% 75%
Healthcare & Family Services, Dept of 131,778 50% 36% 11% 3% 67%
Human Rights Commission 100 90% 10% 0% 0% 35%
Human Rights, Department of 1,276 29% 24% 17% 30% 100%
Human Services, Department of 81,311 30% 30% 20% 20% 70%
Insurance, Department of 70 45% 35% 15% 5% 70%
Juvenile Justice, Department of 14 75% 25% 0% 0% 0%
Labor, Department of 1,300 25% 75% 0% 0% 50%
Labor Relations Board, Illinois � State & Local 50 50% 50% 0% 0% 50%
Natural Resources, Department of 200 50% 40% 0% 10% 0%
Prisoner Review Board 500 35% 45% 20% 0% 100%
Public Health, Department of 3,500 60% 37% 3% 0% 30%
Racing Board "no tracking system in place" 90% 5% 5% 0% 100%
Revenue, Department of & Gaming Board 11,950 60% 37% 2% 1% 90%
State Fire Marshal, Office of the 20 95% 0% 0% 5% 0%
State Police 600 50% 50% 0% 0% 100%
Transportation, Department of 15 100% 0% 0% 0% 0%
TOTALS: 321,859          

Interpreter services via Master Contract

Agency, Board, or Commission Did your agency utilize interpreter services provided by the State's Master Contract? If Yes how many cases? What languages were used?
Corresponding Survey Question 1c 1ci 1cii
Aging, Department on No N/A N/A
Agriculture, Department of Yes unknown; not tracked Sign Language
Arts Council No N/A N/A
Central Management Services, Department of No N/A N/A
Children & Family Services, Department of Yes 1 Spanish, Polish, Vietnamese, Arabic, Hindi
Commerce & Economic Opportunity, Department of No N/A N/A
Commerce Commission No N/A N/A
Corrections Yes 2,040 multiple
Deaf & Hard Of Hearing Commission No N/A N/A
Employment Security, Department of Yes 151,566 no tracking system in place
Environmental Protection Agency No N/A N/A
Executive Inspector General, Office of the No N/A N/A
Financial & Professional Regulation, Department of No N/A N/A
Guardianship & Advocacy Commission No N/A N/A
Healthcare & Family Services, Department of No N/A N/A
Human Rights Commission No N/A N/A
Human Rights, Department of No N/A N/A
Human Services, Department of Yes 15,389 Sign Language, Spanish, Polish, Russian, Serbian, Urdu, Hindi, Arabic, Swahili, Chinese, Korean, Bosnian, Gujarat, Assyrian, Bulgarian, Vietnamese, Amharic, Farsi, Lithuanian, Turkish, French, Tagalog, Bengali
Insurance, Department of No N/A N/A
Juvenile Justice, Department of No N/A N/A
Labor, Department of No N/A N/A
Labor Relations Board, Illinois � State & Local No N/A N/A
Natural Resources, Department of No N/A N/A
Prisoner Review Board Yes 3 Sign Language, Spanish
Public Health, Department of Yes 2 French, Arabic
Racing Board No N/A N/A
Revenue, Department of & Gaming Board No N/A N/A
State Fire Marshal, Office of the No N/A N/A
State Police No N/A N/A
Transportation, Department of No N/A N/A
TOTALS: 7 � Yes, 23 � No    

Bilingual Positions Needed & Employees Paid Bilingual Supplement

Agency, Board, or Commission Number of Bilingual Positions Needed Number of Employees Paid Bilingual Supplement
Corresponding Survey Question 2 3
Aging, Department on 4 4
Agriculture, Department of 3 3
Arts Council 1 1
Central Management Services, Department of 3 2
Children & Family Services, Department of 212 165
Commerce & Economic Opportunity, Department of 13 12
Commerce Commission 4 4
Corrections 194 38
Deaf & Hard Of Hearing Commission 7 7
Employment Security, Department of 180 151
Environmental Protection Agency 2 2
Executive Inspector General, Office of the 1 0
Financial & Professional Regulation, Department of 39 21
Guardianship & Advocacy Commission 6 6
Healthcare & Family Services, Department of 111 111
Human Rights Commission 0 3
Human Rights, Department of 32 26
Human Services, Department of 1,016 1,053
Insurance, Department of 6 4
Juvenile Justice, Department of 8 4
Labor, Department of 11 10
Labor Relations Board, Illinois � State & Local 1 2
Natural Resources, Department of 3 1
Prisoner Review Board 1 1
Public Health, Department of 30 30
Racing Board 1 N/A
Revenue, Department of & Gaming Board 20 24
State Fire Marshal, Office of the 5 2
State Police 1 1
Transportation, Department of 6 6
TOTALS: 1,921 1,694

Employees Using Bilingual Skills

Agency, Board, or Commission How many used bilingual skills in FY09 Daily Weekly Monthly Yearly Incumbents using bilingual skills but not paid bilingual supplement
Corresponding Survey Question 3a 3bi 3bii 3biii 3biv 4
Aging, Department on 4 100% 0% 0% 0% No
Agriculture, Department of 3 100% 0% 0% 0% Yes
Arts Council 1 0% 0% 100% 0% Yes
Central Management Services, Department of 2 100% 0% 0% 0% No
Children & Family Services, Department of 165 100% 0% 0% 0% No
Commerce & Economic Opportunity, Department of 11 26% 26% 24% 24% No
Commerce Commission 4 100% 0% 0% 0% No
Corrections 38 0% 100% 0% 0% No
Deaf & Hard Of Hearing Commission 7 100% 0% 0% 0% No
Employment Security, Department of 150 97% 2% 1% 0% Yes
Environmental Protection Agency 2 100% 0% 0% 0% Yes
Executive Inspector General, Office of the 1 0% 100% 0% 0% Yes
Financial & Professional Regulation, Department of 21 65% 30% 4% 1% No
Guardianship & Advocacy Commission 6 30% 50% 20% 0% No
Healthcare & Family Services, Department of 98 75% 17% 5% 3% No
Human Rights Commission 3 0% 100% 0% 0% No
Human Rights, Department of 26 100% 0% 0% 0% No
Human Services, Department of 1,107 50% 45% 5% 0% No
Insurance, Department of 4 50% 25% 25% 0% No
Juvenile Justice, Department of 4 0% 100% 0% 0% No
Labor, Department of 11 0% 80% 20% 0% Yes
Labor Relations Board, Illinois � State & Local 1 5% 40% 50% 5% No
Natural Resources, Department of 1 0% 0% 100% 0% No
Prisoner Review Board 1 0% 100% 0% 0% No
Public Health, Department of 30 30% 35% 25% 10% No
Racing Board N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A Yes
Revenue, Department of & Gaming Board 24 55% 20% 20% 5% No
State Fire Marshal, Office of the 2 0% 0% 50% 50% No
State Police 1 0% 100% 0% 0% No
Transportation, Department of 6 6% 0% 100% 0% No
TOTALS: 1,734         7 � Yes, 23 � No

Bilingual Position Skill Descriptions, Vacancies, Appointments, & the Language Option

Agency, Board, or Commission Number of Positions Requiring Bilingual Skill on Job Description Number of Vacancy Notices Posted Requiring Bilingual Skill Number of Employees Appointed to Bilingual Skill Positions Number of Vacated Positions with Bilingual Skill Requirements Deleted How many positions had the language option deleted?
Corresponding Survey Question 5 6a 6b 7a 7b
Aging, Department on 11 1 1 0 0
Agriculture, Department of 6 0 0 0 0
Arts Council 1 0 0 0 0
Central Management Services, Department of 3 0 0 1 0
Children & Family Services, Department of 165 5 5 5 165
Commerce & Economic Opportunity, Department of 17 1 0 0 4
Commerce Commission 4 0 0 0 0
Corrections 200 1 1 0 0
Deaf & Hard Of Hearing Commission 7 1 0 0 0
Employment Security, Department of 11 31 31 24 0
Environmental Protection Agency 2 0 0 0 0
Executive Inspector General, Office of the 0 N/A N/A N/A N/A
Financial & Professional Regulation, Department of 39 0 0 1 1
Guardianship & Advocacy Commission 6 1 1 2 1
Healthcare & Family Services, Department of 129 15 3 17 0
Human Rights Commission 3 0 0 0 0
Human Rights, Department of 32 1 3 3 0
Human Services, Department of 1,355 44 35 40 0
Insurance, Department of 4 N/A N/A N/A N/A
Juvenile Justice, Department of 9 0 1 0 0
Labor, Department of 11 2 2 0 0
Labor Relations Board, Illinois � State & Local 1 0 0 0 0
Natural Resources, Department of 4 0 0 0 0
Prisoner Review Board 1 0 0 0 0
Public Health, Department of 47 2 1 1 0
Racing Board 0 0 0 0 0
Revenue, Department of & Gaming Board 76 2 1 1 1
State Fire Marshal, Office of the 5 0 0 1 0
State Police 1 0 0 0 0
Transportation, Department of 1 0 0 0 0
TOTALS: 2,151 107 85 96 172

Employees Receiving Bilingual Pay

Agency, Board, or Commission Number of Hispanic Employees Receiving Bilingual Pay excluding Sign Language Number of non-Hispanic Employees Receiving Bilingual Pay excluding sign language Number of Employees Receiving Bilingual Pay for Sign Language Number of Employees Receiving Bilingual Pay for Using Braille
Corresponding Survey Question 8 9 10 11
Aging, Department on 4 0 0 0
Agriculture, Department of 3 0 0 0
Arts Council 1 0 0 0
Central Management Services, Department of 2 0 0 0
Children & Family Services, Department of 162 3 0 0
Commerce & Economic Opportunity, Department of 9 3 0 0
Commerce Commission 3 1 0 0
Corrections 25 12 1 0
Deaf & Hard Of Hearing Commission 0 0 7 0
Employment Security, Department of 134 16 1 0
Environmental Protection Agency 2 0 0 0
Executive Inspector General, Office of the N/A N/A N/A N/A
Financial & Professional Regulation, Department of 17 4 0 0
Guardianship & Advocacy Commission 4 2 0 0
Healthcare & Family Services, Department of 93 18 0 0
Human Rights Commission 3 0 0 0
Human Rights, Department of 20 6 0 0
Human Services, Department of 539 129 385 22
Insurance, Department of 3 1 0 0
Juvenile Justice, Department of 4 0 0 0
Labor, Department of 8 2 0 0
Labor Relations Board, Illinois � State & Local 1 0 1 0
Natural Resources, Department of 0 1 0 0
Prisoner Review Board 1 0 0 0
Public Health, Department of 25 5 0 0
Racing Board N/A N/A N/A N/A
Revenue, Department of & Gaming Board 16 8 0 0
State Fire Marshal, Office of the 2 0 0 0
State Police 1 0 0 0
Transportation, Department of 6 0 0 0
TOTALS: 1,088 211 395 22

Determination of Language, Translation, & Number of Bilingual Positions Needed

Agency, Board, or Commission How does the agency determine its language and translation needs and the number of bilingual positions needed to render effective services specifically to Spanish-speaking clientele? How does the agency determine the number of bilingual positions needed to render effective services to clientele that communicate in languages other than English and Spanish, but including Sign Language and Braille?
Corresponding Survey Question 12a 12b
Aging, Department on In addition to answering the Senior Help-Line, our bilingual staff responds to clients that contact the Department's Circuit Breaker Division with Spanish calls, correspondence and translations. The Senior Help-Line logs all bilingual calls and documents through the Nortel IVR phone system and taxonomy. The Department also uses its bilingual staff to host public speaking, staffing exhibits, and conferences and translating outreach materials and published materials. The Department utilizes the TDD/TYY and NexTalk/Textnet units to effectively serve clientele with disabilities. The TDD/TYY unit is a physical device that looks like a simple computer terminal and uses graphic communications in the transmission of coded signals. The Nextalk/Textnet services enable PCs to function like a TDD/TYY unit. Both of these units log all calls and document transactions. Senior Help-Line staff track the number of callers who require assistance.
Agriculture, Department of The Chicago area consists of predominantly Spanish-speaking state licensed and inspected establishments. Based on the number of plants requiring Spanish-speaking inspectors, IDOA strives to maintain a Spanish-speaking supervisor as well as two Spanish-speaking inspectors. With three full-time staff, the needs of the Spanish-speaking establishments can be met. At present, there is no need to hire a full-time employee to serve any communication needs other than English and Spanish. During the IL State Fair/DuQuoin State Fair, a temporary sign-language interpreter is hired on contract to perform Sign Language interpretation as needed. In the event the requests for any language other English or Spanish were greater than a temporary employee could serve, IDOA would evaluate the necessity and ensure compliance with the growing need.
Arts Council Judgment is made by the agency based on the number of grant applications and phone inquiries received each year. In addition, by the number of grant applications submitted to the agency receiving technical assistance pertaining to their own applications. Due to the headcount of 20, one person has been assigned this responsibility and has been proven to be sufficient for the agency's current need.
Central Management Services, Department of Tracking the cases for which translation and interpretation skills are required, the historical statistics reported on surveys such as this, evaluations by the individuals in bilingual positions of how much time and effort is spent and whether the agency's efforts are adequate are all factors in determining the bilingual skill requirements and services. Tracking the cases for which translation and interpretation skills are required, the historical statistics reported on surveys such as this, evaluations by the individuals in bilingual positions of how much time and effort is spent and whether the agency's efforts are adequate are all factors in determining the bilingual skill requirements and services.
Children & Family Services, Department of This area needs work and will be addressed as of now IDCFS relies on the Intake worker asking the reporter of a Child Abuse and Neglect investigation if they know the language of the family. Our system does not have a way of automatically identifying Spanish Speaking families. Once a case is open, the investigator or worker has access to interpretation services. As for making the determination of bilingual positions needed as of this year my office is relying on a manual count of investigations with Hispanic surnames. In addition demographic information is evaluated statewide to calculate the number of positions needed. This area needs work and will be addressed as of now IDCFS relies on the Intake worker asking the reporter of a Child Abuse and Neglect investigation if they know the language of the family. Our system does not have a way of automatically identifying Spanish Speaking families. Once a case is open, the investigator or worker has access to interpretation services. As for making the determination of bilingual positions needed as of this year my office is relying on a manual count of investigations with Hispanic surnames. In addition demographic information is evaluated statewide to calculate the number of positions needed.
Commerce & Economic Opportunity, Department of Through the allocation of Spanish speaking positions in various Agency programmatic and administrative locations, DCEO has been able to adequately serve the Spanish speaking public. Needs are assessed with vacancies or work activity changes requiring bi-lingual skills. The Agency gained two additional Spanish speaking positions through the legislative transfer of the Office of Energy Assistance from HFS to DCEO in April, 2009. Determinations are made by management, based on client needs in the respective Bureau/Office. Other than Spanish, the Agency utilizes positions of various languages in our Office of Trade and Investment, currently including Polish and Chinese. Hindi and Arabic have also been utilized in the past.
Commerce Commission Language translation and interpretation needs are determined by the number of requests for such services received by the agency and the trend over time for such requests. Currently, the agency is only equipped to handle consumer inquiries in English and Spanish. To the best of its knowledge, the agency did not receive requests for communications in spoken languages other than English or Spanish in FY09. There was one request for a Sign Language interpreter, and that request was satisfied by making arrangements with an entity outside the agency.
Corrections The number is determined by the number of inmates and parolees that require bilingual assistance. The number is determined by the number of inmates and parolees that require bilingual assistance with Sign Language and Braille.
Deaf & Hard Of Hearing Commission If we do work with Spanish-speaking Deaf consumers, we hire Interpreters with Sign Language knowledge. All positions require the use of Sign Language in order to effectively communicate with the Deaf and Hard-of-Hearing Community.
Employment Security, Department of By the number of claims and determinations issued to LEP claimants; Frequency of telephone interpreter census data. By the number of claims and determinations issued to LEP claimants; Frequency of telephone interpreter census data.
Environmental Protection Agency The Agency uses a sample of calls to determine adequate service is provided to the public and surveys bilingual staff. The Agency uses a sample of calls to determine adequate service is provided to the public and surveys bilingual staff.
Executive Inspector General, Office of the No determination made. The service is provided as a result of a diverse staff. No determination made.
Financial & Professional Regulation, Department of Determination is made by the number of telephone inquiries and complaints received by the Department that require translators; and , the number of licensees who require translators during investigations or examinations. Determination is made by the number of telephone inquiries and complaints received by the Department that require translators; and , the number of licensees who require translators during investigations or examinations.
Guardianship & Advocacy Commission Based upon need after determining client requirements. Based upon need after determining client requirements.
Healthcare & Family Services, Department of The number of bilingual needs/positions required is based on geographical needs. The number of bilingual needs/positions required is based on geographical needs
Human Rights Commission N/A N/A
Human Rights, Department of The Departments' Charge Processing, Fair Housing and Legal Divisions process charges of discrimination. A number of these charges are filed by non-English speaking individuals. The number of bilingual positions required to process cases are based on the number of charges filed annually by individuals who do not speak English. Additionally, the Department does have positions which do not process cases but are required to communicate orally and in writing with individuals who do not speak English (specifically individuals who are fluent in Spanish). The need is determined by the type of service provided and required such as receptionist, community outreach liaison, etc. The Department also has Polish and Korean bilingual option positions. Currently, the Department has submitted position descriptions to include the Spanish Speaking bilingual option on three (3) additional positions in Fiscal Year 2010. The Departments' Charge Processing, Fair Housing and Legal Divisions process charges of discrimination. A number of these charges are filed by non-English speaking individuals. The number of bilingual positions required to process cases are based on the number of charges filed annually by individuals who do not speak English. Additionally, the Department does have positions which do not process cases but are required to communicate orally and in writing with individuals who do not speak English (specifically individuals who are fluent in Spanish). The need is determined by the type of service provided and required such as receptionist, community outreach liaison, etc. The Department also has Polish and Korean bilingual option positions. Currently, the Department has submitted position descriptions to include the Spanish Speaking bilingual option on three (3) additional positions in Fiscal Year 2010.
Human Services, Department of Translation and interpreting are different than the requirement of bilingual skills to communicate effectively with customers on a day to day basis providing appropriate services. An interpreter would be needed if bilingual staff were not available or if the position was vacant and no other staff were available for temporary assignment to the position. For Sign Language, specific laws govern the requirements for interpreters. For other languages, we would look to the language bank or lists of interpreters available. The need is based on the number of phone calls received from persons requiring bilingual needs; in State Operated Hospitals and Facilities the need is determined during initial intake. Patients are evaluated and screened for language needs. The number of bilingual positions needed in our facilities are based on evaluation of individual patient's language needs, the number of clients served with bilingual needs, length of admission, and position classification within the organizational structure. At the Treatment and Detention Center, residents are received from the Dept of Corrections; their records are relied upon for bilingual needs information. If a need is determined an outside provider is sought. At this time, DHS has staff receiving bilingual for manual communication and Braille. Braille bilingual is for the educators at ISVI who must use and teach Braille in the classroom. For the Illinois School for the Deaf, all staff having any direct access or interaction with students requires manual communication bilingual skills. For other areas, it depends on the location, customer base and need for the bilingual skills. For the position, they would have to use bilingual skills in the provision of services at least 10% of the time. The number of bilingual positions needed is based on client/patient evaluation of language skill needs, number of clients served with that need, length of admission and position classification within our organizational structure. This information is reviewed on a yearly basis. At the Treatment and Detention Facility the determination is based upon the number of residents that require translation and their participation in therapy and other Facility activities.
Insurance, Department of The Department reviews the number of callers, walk-in and online contacts (all consumers) who require language translation in order to assist them with the services they need. The Department reviews the number of callers, walk-in and online contacts (all consumers) who require language translation in order to assist them with the services they need.
Juvenile Justice, Department of Bilingual needs of clientele vary based on average commitment of 6 months or less. Contractual provisions allow for temporary assignment pay when existing staff may be required to assist with bilingual needs on an intermittent basis. N/A
Labor, Department of We have determined the need for 8 Spanish-speaking positions in our Chicago Office based on the volume of phone calls, complaints filed and walk-ins from Spanish-speaking clientele in that geographic area. We have determined the need for 2 Polish-speaking positions in our Chicago Office based on the volume of phone calls, complaints filed and walk-ins from Polish-speaking clientele in that geographic area.
Labor Relations Board, Illinois � State & Local The agency believes that having one bilingual position is sufficient to manage the increase in Spanish speaking assistance that has occurred this past year. N/A
Natural Resources, Department of The IDNR takes into account the geographic location of the position, as well as programs being offered at that location. The IDNR does not have a bilingual position that receives bilingual pay for using Sign Language or Braille interpretation skills, it would be determined on a case by case basis.
Prisoner Review Board The Prisoner Review Board receives a large number of telephone calls from Spanish speaking clientele. Most of the Spanish speaking people calling in are victims registered with our Victim Notification Program. We maintain a database of victims registered with our program. We currently have over 16,000 victims registered with our program, many of them being Spanish speaking individuals. Currently our agency has one bilingual employee and position and at this time it is adequate for our agency.
Public Health, Department of The agency's bilingual needs are assessed by the management staff when positions are created and filled based on the volume of calls received from non-English-speaking sector of the public. Direct-service and mid-level management staff address the issues and service needs of our clients and monitor quality assurance who report to our senior management staff recommendations for staffing.
Racing Board In previous years, we did not address issues, personnel was already in place and/or interpreters were readily available. Up until now, the need for bilingual positions was not great enough to assess.
Revenue, Department of & Gaming Board Based upon review of positions in the field and in office locations which have contact with the public and where language translation services are requested. Based upon review of positions in the field and in office locations which have contact with the public and where translation or specialized communication services are requested.
State Fire Marshal, Office of the We determine the language translation and interpretation needs of our agency based on requests for phone calls received in our office and from the field staff. We have Spanish-speaking positions in our Springfield and Chicago offices and in areas of the state where the demand is greater. At this time, we do not have positions to render services to clientele that communicate in languages other than English or Spanish. If we feel there is a need in the future, we will accommodate that area.
State Police The Illinois State Police relies on personnel in the field to request the need for bilingual skills and makes a determination based on this information. The Illinois State Police relies on personnel in the field to request the need for bilingual skills and makes a determination based on this information.
Transportation, Department of The organizational entities notify the central office of the need based upon work functions provided by the unit and public interaction needs. The central office reviews the need and works with the entity to establish the appropriate position(s). The organizational entities or the ADA Coordinator may notify the central office of the need based upon work functions provided by the unit as well as public/staff interaction needs. The central office reviews the need and works with the entity to establish the appropriate position(s).

No Bilingual Needs

The following agencies, boards and commissions reported no bilingual service requirements for fiscal year 2009.

  • Capital Development Board
  • Civil Service Commission
  • Criminal Justice Information Authority
  • Developmental Disabilities, Council On
  • Emergency Management Agency
  • Illinois Historic Preservation Agency
  • Illinois Power Agency
  • Investment, State Board of
  • Labor Relations Board � Educational
  • Law Enforcement Training & Standards Board
  • Medical District Commission
  • Military Affairs, Department on
  • Pollution Control Board
  • Property Tax Appeal Board
  • State Employees' Retirement System
  • State Police Merit Board
  • Veteran's Affairs, Department of
  • Workers Compensation Commission, Illinois